File IO Packages
FileIO2.jl0File Object Type Hierarchy
DictViews.jl0KeysView and ValuesView types for dynamic low-overhead views into the entries of dictionaries
DanaTypes.jl0Dana-Laboratory BuiltIns
TypeGraph.jl0Visualize the Julia type system
EodDataTestXml.jl0Test files for EodData.jl
AutoTypeParameters.jl0A Julia library to reversibly encode "any" value so that it can be used as a type parameter.
MonkeyString.jl0Fast string implementation inspired by SpiderMonkey
HelpTestbed.jl0Exploring options for help in Julia
DictWrappers.jl0Wrap any Julia composite type in an Associative interface
DotPlusInheritance.jl0Expression parser that simulates type inheritance
HDF5Logger.jl0Allows logging individual frames of data to an HDF5 file over time.
TupleTypes.jl0A testbed for an API to access Tuple parameters
XmlToDict.jl0Julia module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (inspired by xmltodict)
NeuralynxNCS.jl1Julia code for reading Neuralynx NCS files
ASCIIByte.jl1Julia's package for deal with Characters of 8 bits.
BGZF.jl1Julia package to read/write BGZF compressed files
ObjFileBase.jl1Common functionality for Object Files
BEncode.jl1A Julia library for bencode
ChainedVectors.jl1Few utility types over Julia Vector type
Silo.jl1Wrapper for the Silo file format in Julia
MapD.jl1A julia library for conveniently inserting data to MapD
StringInterpolation.jl1Interpolation for non-standard string literals
Scalar.jl1Scalar Types
ImagineFormat.jl1Read .imagine files in Julia
BigRationals.jl2Julia wrapper around GMP's rational type
MachO.jl2An implementation of the MachO file format
MutableStrings.jl2Mutable string types for Julia
RDF.jl3Julia package mirror.
XMLRPC.jl3Send and recieve XML-RPCs with Julia
OpenSlide.jl3OpenSlide bindings for Julia
Modifyfield.jl3Creates functions to modify immutable fields of a composite type inside a container
ELF.jl3Julia Package for working with ELF files
Report.jl3A Markdown report writer for Julia
DWARF.jl3Julia Package for parsing the DWARF file format
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