Mathematics Packages
Digits.jl8Julia package for integer digit manipulation
HMat.jl7Hierarchical Matrix in Julia and Matlab
IntModN.jl7Ring(s) of Integers Modulo N; Polynomials; Factor Rings; etc.
LSH.jl7Locality Sensitive Hashing
LinearExpressions.jl6Linear symbolic expressions for the Julia language
CHull2d.jl6Variety of algorithms for taking the convex hull of 2 dimensional sets of points
Coin.jl6A (self-educational, incomplete, and likely incorrect) library for working with Bitcoin written in Julia
Polynomial.jl6Polynomial manipulations
CoordinateSplittingPTrees.jl6Accurate and efficient full-degree multidimensional polynomial interpolation
IDRsSolver.jl6++ incorporated into ++ Induced Dimension Reduction method IDR(s) for solving general non-symmetric linear equations using a Krylov method, for example ordinary linear equations or Sylvester and Stein equations.
MathToolkit.jl6A Julia package providing various functions mainly for the purpose of experimental mathematics
SALT.jl6SALT (steady-state ab-initio laser theory) solver package for Julia
LightGraphsGraphBLAS.jl6GraphBLAS backed graphs for LightGraphs.jl
NamedAxesArrays.jl5Performant arrays where each axis can be named
LDA.jl5*Deprecated* - Linear Discriminant Analysis and Kernel Fisher Analysis
KernelRecursiveLeastSquares.jl5Julia implementation of Kernel Recursive Least Squares algorithm
KDSP.jl5DSP module for Julia. Called KDSP instead of DSP to distinguish from existing DSP module in Julia base.
RiemannHilbert.jl5A Julia package for solving Riemann–Hilbert problems
HarwellRutherfordBoeing.jl5A Julia Reader for the Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing Formats
SortedVectors.jl5Lightweight wrapper to declare that a vector is sorted.
VSL.jl5Julia bindings to the Intel Vector Statistics Library.
CatIndices.jl4Julia package for indices-aware array concatenation and growth
AffineSpaces.jl4Uniform representation and computational geometry on affine subspaces (points, lines, planes, etc.) in Rⁿ
LargeColumns.jl4Handle large columns (vectors of equal length) with bits types in Julia using mmap.
Lists.jl4Singly linked list and doubly linked list for Julia.
RangeArrays.jl4Efficient and convenient array data structures where the columns of the arrays are generated (on the fly) by Ranges.
ClosedIntervals.jl4Closed intervals of the form [a,b].
JudyDicts.jl4Judy Array for Julia
Dopri.jl4A Julia wrapper for the DOPRI5 and DOP853 integrators.
Brim.jl4BRIM -- use EcologicalNetwork.jl instead
Networks.jl4A library for working with Graphs in Julia.
MiniBall.jl4Julia package for a smallest enclosing sphere for points in arbitrary dimensions
ChunkedArrays.jl3ChunkedArrays.jl is a package for increasing the performance of arrays generated iteratively
IterativeLinearSolvers.jl3Translations of "Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building, Blocks for Iterative Methods" to Julia
SymDict.jl3Dictionaries with Symbol keys.
LiftedHierarchies.jl3Hierarchical relaxations for mixed-integer optimization (Lasserre, Sherali-Adams, etc.)
NumericalShadow.jl3Numerical shadow library for Julia language
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