Mathematics Packages
DeepConvert.jl3Convenient literal expressions for large numbers
Struve.jl3Struve functions for Julia
DiscreteInference.jl3A Julia Package for Inference over Discrete Graphical Models
FloatHigher.jl3Accurate floating point math at extended precisions
Wilkinson.jl3Toolkit for studying numerical analysis and floating point algebra round-off
RingArrays.jl3A sliding window over a huge array.
ConvolutionTools.jl3Tools for convolutions of multi-dimensional arrays in Julia.
FlexFloat.jl3These floating point values stretch to maintain accuracy.
OptiMimi.jl3Optimization for the Mimi.jl modeling framework
OpenSSLCrypto.jl3Julia interface to the crypto API of openssl
PropertyGraph.jl3A Julia package for constructing and querying Property Graphs
Ranges.jl2Additional range syntax for Julia
ChaosCommunications.jl2Simulation of chaos-based communication systems in Julia
BitCircuits.jl2Boolean circuit evaluation using bitwise operations.
MINE.jl2Julia wrapper for Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration (MIC and MINE family)
TSPSubgradient.jl2A TSP approximation with the subgradient method.
ArrayViewsAPL.jl2Generic array-view type with APL indexing semantics
Entropy.jl2A set of functions to estimate entropy from discrete and continuous samples
Sha256.jl2Sha256 hash algorithm for Julia
Juliaset.jl2Generate Julia set images
Stupid.jl2Analysis of an 8 bit version of the cipher at
IFastSum.jl2Accurate summation (Yuhang Zhao's iFastSum)
ShowSet.jl2Nicer output for Set and BitSet objects in Julia.
ContinuedFractions.jl2Implementation of Continued Fractions
PermPlain.jl2Permutations of integers
SimilarityMetrics.jl1Standard similarity metrics in Julia
Named.jl1Julia named index and named vector types
HemirealNumbers.jl1Implementation of hemireal arithmetic for Julia
Accelereval.jl1A Julia framework for accelerated re-compiled evaluation.
PiecewiseInterpolation.jl1Interpolate data with known discontinuities
ApApproximation.jl1Implementation of the almost-periodic approximation
APES.jl1Amplitude and Phase Estimation of a Sinusoid
SumTrees.jl1Binary tree where the nodes contain the sum of the left and right children
HPFEM.jl1HP Finite elements in Julia
ExtremeValueDistributions.jl1A Julia package to fit extreme value distributions
SurfaceMesh.jl1Finite element surface mesh manipulation library
FingerTrees.jl1The persistent data structure Finger Tree in Julia
Simplices.jl1Compute exact simplex intersections in N dimensions.
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