Optimization Packages
CGRASP.jl0Continuous Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (CGRASP) in Julia
ParallelGenocop.jl1Parallel implementation of Genocop - a genetic algorithm for numerical optimization problems with linear constraints
CutPools.jl0Pools of cutting planes for JuMP models
BLOM.jl0In-progress Julia port of the Berkeley Library for Optimization Modeling
EAGODomainReduction.jl2A Package for Domain Reduction in Global Optimization
ConicNonlinearBridge.jl5MathProgBase wrapper to solve conic optimization problems with derivative-based nonlinear solvers
InformedDifferentialEvolution.jl2Implementation of Differential Evolution with optional custom predictors
NewOptimizer.jl7WIP for new optimizer for julia base
RationalSimplex.jl13Julia implementation of the simplex algorithm for rational numbers.
LossFuns.jl20Julia implementation of predictors and loss functions for empirical risk minimization
QuickCheck.jl17QuickCheck specification-based testing for Julia
Ranking.jl11Tools for ranking in Julia
Mayday.jl7Sums-of-Squares optimization in Julia, powered by JuMP
DReal.jl4Nonlinear SMT solving using dReal
MathOptFormat.jl33Read and write a variety of mathematical optimization file formats
OptimizationServices.jl16Julia interface to COIN-OR Optimization Services https://projects.coin-or.org/OS
CoinOptServices.jl16Julia interface to COIN-OR Optimization Services https://projects.coin-or.org/OS
Polyopt.jl16Julia package for polynomial optimization using semidefinite optimization.
Munkres.jl20Munkres algorithm for the optimal assignment problem
SemidefiniteProgramming.jl16Interface to semidefinite programming libraries.
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
JuGP.jl6A prototype JuMP extension for geometric programming
LSQ.jl13Least squares solver in Julia
LinearResponseVariationalBayes.jl2Julia tools for building simple variational Bayes models with JuMP
DDUS.jl11Data-driven Uncertainty Sets for the JuMPeR framework
MathProgBase.jl80DEPRECATED: Solver-independent functions (i.e. linprog and mixintprog) and low-level interface for Mathematical Programming
Caching.jl30Memoization mechanism
CGP.jl5Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) implemented in Julia.
Proximal.jl5Translation of Parikh and Boyd code for proximal algorithms
MultiJuMP.jl61MultiJuMP enables the user to easily run multiobjective optimisation problems and generate Pareto fronts.
VinDsl.jl36A fast and furious domain-specific language for variational inference in Julia.
MinFinder.jl2Find all minima in a bounded domain for a differentiable function.
StructJuMP.jl54A block-structured optimization framework for JuMP
PDENLPModels.jl19A NLPModel API for optimization problems with PDE-constraints
BARON.jl18A Julia interface to the BARON mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver
AmplNLReader.jl18Julia AMPL Models Conforming to NLPModels.jl
AutomotiveDrivingModels.jl63Driving simulation architecture for Julia
Parametron.jl73Efficiently solving instances of a parameterized family of (possibly mixed-integer) linear/quadratic optimization problems in Julia
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