Super Computing Packages
SGEArrays.jl0SGEArray implements a simple iterator in Julia to efficiently handle Sun Grid Engine task arrays
Dtree.jl0Distributed dynamic scheduler for HPC applications
CompilerOptions.jl0A Julia package for reading compiler options
LCJC.jl0Loosely Coupled Julia Cluster
GCloud.jl0Tools for working with Google Compute engine via the cloud CLI
Criterion.jl0Julia port of Haskell's Criterion and Clojure's Criterium benchmarking libraries
Collectl.jl0Plotting information from Collectl in julia
Eglib.jl0Clang.jl wrapping example, C code from @kindlmann
DispatcherCache.jl1Adaptive persistency-based mechanism for Dispatcher task graphs
MatlabCluster.jl1Julia cluster manager for MATLAB Job Scheduler
ChainedVectors.jl1Few utility types over Julia Vector type
Flume.jl1A port of the Google Flume Data-Parallel Pipeline system to Julia
Titan.jl1Write GPU kernels using pure Julia
DataBench.jl1A package to benchmark data manipulation in Julia vs R data.table
LabelPropagation.jl1Label propagation community detection
HavenOnDemand.jl1Julia package to access HPE Haven OnDemand API.
JITTools.jl2Tools for working with in-memory object
Perftests.jl2Base perftests for Julia
Slurm.jl3Experimental Julia interface to
SortPerf.jl3Julia module to test the performance of sorting algorithms.
CuCountMap.jl3Fast `StatsBase.countmap` for small types on the GPU via CUDA.jl
ClusterDicts.jl4Global and Distributed dictionaries
SchumakerSpline.jl5A shape preserving spline implementation in Julia
BenchmarkLite.jl6A lightweight Julia package for simple performance benchmark
FLoops.jl6Forked Successor to
ScaLAPACK.jl7Wrap ScaLAPACK in Julia
MessageUtils.jl7Channels(), tspaces(), kvspaces() and more
Schedulers.jl8Elastic and fault tolerant parallel map and parallel map reduce methods. Part of the COFII framework.
ConicBenchmarkUtilities.jl8Julia utilities for the conic benchmark format for mathematical optimization
HSA.jl8Julia Bindings for the HSA Runtime
PTools.jl8Collection of utilities for parallel processing in Julia
ISPC.jl9Tools to work with ISPC in Julia
CloudArray.jl10Easy big data programming in the cloud.
ParallelGLM.jl11Parallel fitting of GLMs using SharedArrays
UberSignals.jl12Concept for a fast event system, using JIT and GPU acceleration
FunHPC.jl13Functional High-Performance Computing in Julia
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