Super Computing Packages
SIMDPirates.jl26Pirating base type NTuple{N,Core.VecElement{T}} -- although base methods are NOT overloaded -- and plundering the great work of eschnett's SIMD.jl
LoggingExtras.jl139Composable Loggers for the Julia Logging StdLib
PowerModelsDistribution.jl142A Julia/JuMP Package for Unbalanced Power Network Optimization
MPIArrays.jl36Distributed arrays based on MPI onesided communication
PowerSystems.jl306Data structures in Julia to enable power systems analysis. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
MCAnalyzer.jl46A set of tools for machine code analyzing of Julia code
AMDGPUnative.jl55Julia interface to AMD/Radeon GPUs
DataBench.jl1A package to benchmark data manipulation in Julia vs R data.table
CuArrays.jl281A Curious Cumulation of CUDA Cuisine
CpuId.jl54Ask the CPU for cache sizes, SIMD feature support, a running hypervisor, and more.
Dispatcher.jl46Build, distribute, and execute task graphs
SciMLBenchmarks.jl318Scientific machine learning (SciML) benchmarks, AI for science, and (differential) equation solvers. Covers Julia, Python (PyTorch, Jax), MATLAB, R
GoogleCloud.jl43Google Cloud APIs for Julia
LLVM.jl130Julia wrapper for the LLVM C API
ConicBenchmarkUtilities.jl8Julia utilities for the conic benchmark format for mathematical optimization
Slurm.jl3Experimental Julia interface to
SchumakerSpline.jl5A shape preserving spline implementation in Julia
GPUArrays.jl317Reusable array functionality for Julia's various GPU backends.
CUDAnative.jl392Julia support for native CUDA programming
HPAT.jl120High Performance Analytics Toolkit (HPAT) is a Julia-based framework for big data analytics on clusters.
BenchmarkTools.jl607A benchmarking framework for the Julia language
CUDAdrv.jl67A Julia wrapper for the CUDA driver API.
FunHPC.jl13Functional High-Performance Computing in Julia
Dtree.jl0Distributed dynamic scheduler for HPC applications
Actors.jl104Concurrent computing in Julia based on the Actor Model
SIMD.jl167Explicit SIMD vector operations for Julia
AWSS3.jl48AWS S3 Simple Storage Service interface for Julia.
AWSCore.jl48Amazon Web Services Core Functions and Types
Dagger.jl630A framework for out-of-core and parallel execution
HavenOnDemand.jl1Julia package to access HPE Haven OnDemand API.
Persist.jl17Persistent jobs
ClusterDicts.jl4Global and Distributed dictionaries
ISPC.jl9Tools to work with ISPC in Julia
CloudArray.jl10Easy big data programming in the cloud.
MXNet.jl371MXNet Julia Package - flexible and efficient deep learning in Julia
Perftests.jl2Base perftests for Julia
Titan.jl1Write GPU kernels using pure Julia
IACA.jl15Wrapper around intel's arch code analyzer for Julia
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