
This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
Author markowkes
4 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
September 2022

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Getting Started

  1. Install Julia
  2. Add Biofilm.jl package
    • Start Julia from the terminal using >> julia
    • Add Biofilm.jl using julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("Biofilm"). Note this will take many minutes to complete as many dependent packages will need to be downloaded and compiled.
  3. Run an example
    • Download Case1.jl by right clicking and choosing Save Link As. Save the file to your Downloads folder (or other location of your choice)
    • In the terminal, change the directory to the location you downloaded Case1.jl e.g., >> cd ~/Downloads
    • Start Julia in that directory using >> julia
    • Run the example using julia> include("Case1.jl"). Note that the first time you run this command it may take a long time since it needs to compile Biofilm.jl.
  4. Edit Case 1 or try other examples.

More detailed installation instructions are available in the documentation.