Dependency Packages
FittedItemBanks.jl0This module provides abstract and concrete fitted item banks, e.g. from fitting an IRT model
FaSTLMMlight.jl0Lightweight Factored Spectrally Transformed Linear Mixed Models
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
DoloYAML.jl0Import Dolo models from a YAML file.
DiscreteOrderedMedian.jl0Branch-and-bound algorithm for the discrete ordered median problem
Skyler.jl0Julia package for recovering stratified spaces underlying point clouds.
DirectGaussianSimulation.jl0Direct Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
DimensionReductionRegression.jl0Dimension reduction regression for Julia
DeepForest.jl0DeepForest Impletmentation in Julia
SparseSensors.jl0Sparse sensor placement in Julia
SpatialOmicsGPs.jl0Gaussian process models for spatial transcriptomics
CauViz.jl0This is an visualization package.
CamiXon.jl0A package for image analysis of backscattered light
CamiMath.jl0Mathematics library with integer-overflow protection
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
SurfaceReactions.jl0This package is a part of RSim, however, may also be used as an independent package for the calculation of source terms from an xml mechanism input file
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
TemperateOptimalPowerFlow.jl0Julia package to perform a "temperate" OPF that avoid saturated lines in power systems
ThreePhasePowerModels.jl0DEPRECIATED :: Use PowerModelsDistribution.jl
TipiSDP.jl0A interior-point solver for semidefinite programming written in pure Julia.
TKTDsimulations.jl0Julia simulation package for TKTD models
BEASTDataPrep.jl0Standard data cleaning tools prior to generating BEAST xml file
BDisposal.jl0Non parametric productivity analysis under the B-disposal assumption
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
AnovaMixedModels.jl0Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with MixedModels.jl
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