Dependency Packages
TreeKnit.jl10TreeKnit is a package that infers Ancestral Reassortment Graphs for segmented genomes (typically, human influenza).
Vecchia.jl10Vecchia approximations for Gaussian log-likelihoods
Trello.jl10(Unofficial) Julia library for working with Trello
KiteModels.jl10Kite and tether models for the simulation of kite power systems
AcousticsToolbox.jl10Julia wrapper for Acoustics Toolbox (Bellhop, Kraken, ...)
Ket.jl10Toolbox for quantum information, nonlocality, and entanglement
ParameterSpacePartitions.jl10A Julia package for mapping qualitative data patterns to regions of a model's parameter space.
Dolang.jl10Dolo modeling language
JustPIC.jl10Particle-in-Cell advection
RiskAdjustedLinearizations.jl10Linearize dynamic economic models around their stochastic steady state
BoxLeastSquares.jl10Tophats at ludicrous speeds.
RvSpectML.jl10Better Radial velocities from Stellar Spectroscopy via Machine Learning
GridapPardiso.jl10Provides Pardiso solvers to the Gridap project
OpenML.jl10Partial implementation of the OpenML API for Julia
DynamicOED.jl10Optimal experimental design of ODE and DAE systems in julia
FMIBuild.jl10FMIBuild.jl holds dependencies that are required to compile and zip a Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU) compliant to the FMI-standard ( Because this dependencies should not be part of the compiled FMU, they are out-sourced into this package. FMIBuild.jl provides the build-commands for the Julia package FMIExport.jl.
CIAOAlgorithms.jl10Coordinate and Incremental Aggregated Optimization Algorithms
OptimalBids.jl10Package for identifying optimal bids.
MLJIteration.jl10A package for wrapping iterative MLJ models in a control strategy
PlatformAware.jl10Platform-aware programming in Julia
MLFlowLogger.jl10Basic wrapper to allow logging to MLFlow from Julia
FinEtoolsAcoustics.jl10Finite Element tools in Julia: Acoustics application
Poltergeist.jl10Julia package for transfer operator spectral methods
PolygenicRiskScores.jl10Polygenic Risk Scoring in pure Julia
FinanceTools.jl10Various tools to process financial time series
PolyhedralRelaxations.jl10LP and MILP relaxation sequences for univariate functions
CountTimeSeries.jl10Julia Package for Count Data Time Series
FlowAtlas.jl10An interactive explorer for flow cytometry data
FunctionTabulations.jl10A package to create and load tabulations of functions. Supports Unitful.
NRRD.jl10Julia support for the Nearly Raw Raster Data (NRRD) image file format
Napari.jl10Julia package for the Napari multi-dimensional image viewer
IESopt.jl10IESopt (Integrated Energy System Optimization) is a modeling and optimization framework for integrated energy systems.
ElasticFDA.jl10Functional Data Analysis using Square-Root Slope Framework
Mera.jl10Analysis Tool for Astrophysical Simulation Data in the Julia Language
MendelPlots.jl10Julia package for plotting results from GWAS
CryoGrid.jl10Next generation permafrost process modeling in the Julia programming language.
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