Dependency Packages
VoronoiGraph.jl6Voronoi diagrams in N dimensions using an improved raycasting method.
Unfolding.jl6Package for unfolding of complex 3-D geometries.
Trajectories.jl6Maps from the line into spaces
UnitfulLinearAlgebra.jl6Low-cost linear algebra functions for matrices with units
WebSession.jl6Julia package to easily manage Sessions using Genie.jl Framework.
StatsModelComparisons.jl6Model comparison functions for statistical models as used in StatisticalRethinking. Version 2 will likely use or be based on ParetoSmooth.jl.
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
Vlasiator.jl6Data processor for Vlasiator
StochasticGroundMotionSimulation.jl6Ground-motion simulation via the Stochastic Method
FranklinTheorems.jl6Theorems Environment for Franklin.jl
DataFrameIntervals.jl6Utilities for working with DataFrames of `Intervals.jl` or `TimeSpans.jl` objects.
Emporium.jl6This package provides a selection of useful "scripts" for the project maintainer. Useful for automated changes to large collections of packages.
PolynomialGTM.jl6An unofficial implementation of publicly available approximated polynomial models for NASA's Generic Transport Model aircraft.
PopGenCore.jl6Core utilities for PopGen.jl, including the PopData type and file IO
BellScenario.jl6Compute Bell inequalities and their quantum violations.
DistributedRelaxationTimes.jl6A julia package to compute the Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) of a given set of impedance measurements.
SourceCodeMcCormick.jl6Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation
JuDGE.jl6An interface for solving a stochastic capacity expansion problem via a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm
Futbolista.jl6Julia package for football analytics
FiberNlse.jl6A non-linear Schrödinger equation solver for julia
Dagitty.jl6Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models
MetidaNCA.jl6Non-compartmental pharmacokinetics analysis for Julia.
BiobakeryUtils.jl6A companion package for Microbiome.jl for working with the Biobakery family of computational tools
SingularIntegrals.jl6A Julia package for computing singular integrals
PovertyAndInequalityMeasures.jl6A collection of standard measures of poverty and inequality for microsimulation models.
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
CriticalDifferenceDiagrams.jl6Plot critical difference diagrams in Julia
MessyTimeSeriesOptim.jl6A Julia implementation of estimation and validation algorithms for time series compatible with incomplete data.
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
CDCS.jl6Julia wrapper for CDCS (
ImageHashes.jl6Perform image hashing in julia
Mehrotra.jl6Solver for complemetarity-based dynamics.
PowerSpectra.jl6Power spectra on the masked sky
FewBodyPhysics.jl6Quantum mechanical few body systems in Julia
ERA5Reanalysis.jl6Dealing with ERA5 Reanalysis datasets
GslibIO.jl6Utilities to read/write extended GSLIB files in Julia
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
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