Dependency Packages
QuantizedSystemSolver.jl4This is an ODE solver that implements the quantized state system methods: An approach that builds the solution by updating the system variables independently.
QuantumAnnealingAnalytics.jl4Tools for Visualization of Quantum Annealing
FieldDistributionNonuniformMedium.jl4God said Maxwell equations and then there was light
ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl4Manifolds for the natural parameters of members of the exponential family of distributions
IdealGasLib.jl4Ideal Gas Library for Engineering Thermodynamics in Julia
DailyTreasuryYieldCurve.jl4Julia package for getting US Treasury yield curves
PolytonicGreek.jl4Rigorously defined orthographies for text in polytonic ancient Greek.
SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl4Sole interface for trees trained via JuliaAI/DecisionTree.jl.
BoardGameGeek.jl4Scrape using Julia.
PolynomialAmoebas.jl4Package to compute Amoebas in 2 and 3 variables.
MagnonPhononHybridization.jl4Magnon-phonon hybridized system.
FlowWorkspace.jl4Load useful metadata from FlowJo workspace files such as gating strategies and sample groups
GasChem.jl4Models of gas-phase atmospheric chemistry and related processes
SnowyOwl.jl4A single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis toolkit in Julia.
LopShelve.jl4Julia implementation of Python Shelve
FlexibilityAnalysis.jl4A JuMP extension for conducting flexibility analysis.
JuliaRunClient.jl4A client library to invoke JuliaRun HTTP APIs
LoopTools.jl4Julia wrapper of LoopTools for computing one-loop integrals
SensitivityAnalysis.jl4Julia package for numerical sensitivity analysis.
IsingSolvers.jl4đŸ§²Ising Model solvers in Julia
DSDP.jl4A Julia interface to the DSDP semidefinite programming solver
RMLImaging.jl4A Julia package to provide RML imaging methods for high-resolution radio interferometry
PoincareInvariants.jl4Julia library for the computation of Poincaré integral invariants
DateSelectors.jl4Utilities for partitioning Dates into validation and holdout sets.
FastaLoader.jl4Load fasta files that contain DNA strings and process it for other downstream tasks
LokiLogger.jl4Logger sink for sending log messages from Julia to Loki
BSTModelKit.jl4A Julia package for building, and running Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) models
NonconvexTOBS.jl4An implementation of the TOBS algorithm as a heuristic for binary nonlinear programming
DiscretePersistentHomologyTransform.jl4Implementation of the Persistent Homology Transform
SeisReconstruction.jl4Seismic reconstruction tools for SeismicJulia project
FishTank.jl4FishTank.jl creates an e-fish for you in case you feel lonely when you are coding.
BasicTextRender.jl4Makes pixels from strings in a very basic way
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