Dependency Packages
TheoryOfGames.jl2A package for game theory
StatusSwitchingQP.jl2Status Switching Method for Quadratic Programming
TestTools.jl2Testing tools for the Julia programming language
TermStructureModels.jl2Estimating Term Structure Models in the Bayesian Framework
TensorRefinement.jl2A package for low-rank computations with functions in Julia
Vensim2MTK.jl2A Julia package to import Vensim .xmile files as ModelingToolkit.jl models.
VersionCheck.jl2Utility package that helps with checking and notifying users of package updates
TwoStageOptimalControl.jl2A Framework for the solution of Two-Stage optimal control problems with random switching time.
VisClaw.jl2Visualization tools for Clawpack simulations with the Julia language
WhittleLikelihoodInference.jl2A Julia package for Whittle and debiased Whittle likelihood inference.
TopologyPreprocessing.jl2Julia module for topology preprocessing of images and videos
SugarKelp.jl2Model of Saccharina latissima (sugar kelp) based on Broch and Slagstad, 2012
WooldridgeDatasets.jl2This package contains the Data Sets used in the Introductory Econometrics by Jeffrey Wooldridge
YasolSolver.jl2Julia interface for the Yasol solver (
WinchModels.jl2Winch models (groundstation models) for airborne wind energy systems
MicroscopyLabels.jl2Easily embed annotations in your microscopy images
MicrobeAgents.jl2Agent-based modeling of microbial motile behavior via Agents.jl
EquationsSolver.jl2A user-friendly tool to solve linear equations and nonlinear equations.
LandDataTools.jl2Tools to work with land databases
ReducedComplexityModeling.jl2Data structures and general infrastructure for reduced complexity modeling in Julia
BiodiversityObservationNetworks.jl2Methods for optimizing the spatial location of biodiversity-observation-networks
MetidaBioeq.jl2This packege made foe bioequivalence testing.
PositionVelocityTime.jl2Calculate position velocity and time
ExtendedExtremes.jl2A collection of extended Generalized Pareto distributions (EGPD) and related functions.
SimSpin.jl2SimSpin - A package for the kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
LanguageFinder.jl2A simple to use language detection package written in Julia using bigarms, trigrams and quadrigrams. 25 default languages with a built-in option to train new ones.
ApproxFunRational.jl2Support for rational bases in ApproxFun
BasicBSplineExporter.jl2Graphics package for BasicBSpline.jl
Firefly.jl2Like fireflies next to spotlights
CitrusAPI.jl2Connect to the LimeSurvey API from Julia
LassoPlot.jl2Plots regularization paths generated by Lasso.jl
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