Dependency Packages
EquivalentCircuits.jl22A julia package to either fit the parameters of a specified equivalent electrical circuit to electrochemical impedance data, or to suggest a plausible circuit configuration for a given set of measurements (either through a comparison of circuits from the literature, or through an evolutionary algorithm approach).
OceanRobots.jl22Analysis, processing, and simulation of data generated by scientific robots in the Ocean.
EntropyHub.jl22An open-source toolkit for entropic data analysis
StipplePlotly.jl22Plotly integration for Stipple.jl
FirstOrderSolvers.jl22Large scale convex optimization solvers in julia
EDKit.jl22Julia package for general many-body exact diagonalization calculation.
PiecewiseDeterministicMarkovProcesses.jl21Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes in Julia
Piccolo.jl21A convenience meta-package for quantum optimal control using the Pade Integrator COllocation (PICO) method
PressureDrop.jl21Package for computing pressure profiles for gas lift optimization of oil & gas wells.
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
LightGraphsExtras.jl21Additional functionality for LightGraphs.jl
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl21Finite Element Module for Julia that focusses on gradient-robust discretisations and multiphysics problems
ANOVA.jl21Provides a Simple Way to Calculate ANOVAs From Fitted Linear Models.
QuantumWalk.jl21QuantumWalk.jl: Package for building algorithms based on quantum walks
OrdinalGWAS.jl21Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for ordered categorical phenotypes
DistMesh.jl21Tetrahedral meshing of distance functions in Julia
ITensorParallel.jl21Parallel tools for ITensors.jl.
MatrixPencils.jl21Matrix pencil manipulations using Julia
SeaPearlZoo.jl21SeaPearl's pool of examples
LazyGroupBy.jl21Lazy, parallelizable and composable group-by operations
Deneb.jl21Julia API for creating Vega-Lite visualizations
HssMatrices.jl21A Julia package for hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) matrices.
BoundaryLayerDynamics.jl21Turbulence-resolving simulations of boundary-layer flows (DNS & LES)
PeriLab.jl21Welcome to Peridynamic Laboratory (PeriLab), a powerful software solution designed for tackling Peridynamic problems.
DatagenCopulaBased.jl21Data generator based on copulas
Trebuchet.jl21Throw stuff
HierarchicalGaussianFiltering.jl21The Julia implementation of the generalised hierarchical Gaussian filter
KnetLayers.jl21Useful Layers for Knet
HierarchicalTemporalMemory.jl21A simple, high-level Julia implementation of Numenta HTM algorithms
NeuroTreeModels.jl21Differentiable tree-based models for tabular data
NeutronTransport.jl21Method of Characteristics neutral particle transport code for reactor physics written in Julia.
PenPlots.jl21A simple Julia library for generating SVGs suitable for AxiDraw and similar pen plotters.
SciPyDiffEq.jl21Wrappers for the SciPy differential equation solvers for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
UnitfulAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
ConditionalDists.jl21Conditional probability distributions powered by DistributionsAD.jl
OmniSci.jl21Julia client for OmniSci GPU-accelerated SQL engine and analytics platform
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