Dependency Packages
DiffEqFinancial.jl25Differential equation problem specifications and scientific machine learning for common financial models
GeoTables.jl25Geospatial tables compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
Tensorial.jl25Statically sized tensors and related operations for Julia
LaplacianOpt.jl25A Julia/JuMP Package for Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity of Undirected Weighted Graphs
Boltz.jl25Accelerate your ML research using pre-built Deep Learning Models with Lux
FLOWPanel.jl25Three-dimensional panel method for low-speed aerodynamics
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
Extremes.jl25Extreme value analysis package for Julia
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
MriResearchTools.jl25Specialized tools for MRI
ThreeBodyTB.jl25Accurate and fast tight-binding calculations, using pre-fit coefficients and three-body terms.
ElasticSurfaceEmbedding.jl25The weaving paper strips: shape optimization by geometric elasticity
ImplicitAD.jl25Automates adjoints. Forward and reverse mode algorithmic differentiation around implicit functions (not propagating AD through), as well as custom rules to allow for mixed-mode AD or calling external (non-AD compatible) functions within an AD chain.
GasPowerModels.jl24Julia packages for joint optimization of natural gas and power transmission networks
QHull.jl24A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library
Tsunami.jl24Neural network training, fast and easy.
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
MendelImpute.jl24OpenMendel package for haplotyping and imputation
ReverseDiffSparse.jl24Reverse-mode automatic differentiation for sparse Hessians
CapacityExpansion.jl24Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia
MathOptSetDistances.jl24Distances to sets for MathOptInterface
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
FluxKAN.jl24An easy to use Flux implementation of the Kolmogorov Arnold Network. This is a Julia version of TorchKAN.
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
QuantumAnnealing.jl24Tools for the Simulation and Execution of Quantum Annealing Algorithms
MHDFlows.jl24Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in julia with FourierFlows.jl
OptControl.jl23A tool to solve optimal control problem
IRKGaussLegendre.jl23Implicit Runge-Kutta Gauss-Legendre 16th order (Julia)
Rimu.jl23Random Integrators for many-body quantum systems
MathOptPresolve.jl23Presolve routines for mathematical optimization
NaiveNASflux.jl23Your local Flux surgeon
MathML.jl23Julia MathML parser
PlantBiophysics.jl23A Julia package for computing processes related to plant ecophysiology and biophysics
StructDualDynProg.jl23Implementation of SDDP (Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming) using the StructJuMP modeling interface
ConstrainedDynamics.jl23Rigid body dynamics simulation using maximal coordinates.
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