Dependency Packages
Geomorphometry.jl15Geospatial filtering algorithms
NeutralLandscapes.jl15Generation of neutral landscapes in Julia.
ArgoData.jl15Argo data processing and analysis
MagmaThermoKinematics.jl15Package to simulate the thermal evolution of magmatic systems
ClimaSeaIce.jl14🧊 Coupled and stand-alone simulations of sea ice for Earth system modeling
RayTracing.jl14High performance cyclic ray tracing algorithm for neutron transport in Julia.
InteractiveGeodynamics.jl14Interactive examples for different geodynamic problems
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
WorldOceanAtlasTools.jl14Tools do download and interpolate data from the World Ocean Atlas
TrainSpikingNet.jl14Train a spiking recurrent neural network
QuantizedArrays.jl14Array quantization and compression
CommunityDetection.jl14Community Detection algorithms for LightGraphs
EasyABM.jl13An easy to use Julia framework for agent based modeling.
LocalPoly.jl13Local polynomial regression in pure Julia
Hydro.jl13A modular hydrodynamic code written in pure Julia
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
GroupedErrors.jl13Population data analysis in Julia
PowerModelsITD.jl13Integrated Transmission and Distribution Optimization
IPMeasures.jl13Implementation of Integral Probability Measures in Julia
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
TransferEntropy.jl13Transfer entropy (conditional mutual information) estimators for the Julia language
BioProfiling.jl13A flexible Julia toolkit for high-dimensional cellular profiles
CompositionalNetworks.jl13A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
BayesianQuadrature.jl13Is there anything we can't make Bayesian?
PortfolioOpt.jl13Portfolio optimization
SpmImageTycoon.jl13Organize Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM, STM, AFM) Images and Spectra.
Neighborhood.jl12A common API for finding nearest neighbors in Julia
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
JointSurvivalModels.jl12Julia implementation of joint models combining longitudinal and survival endpoints
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
UnsupervisedClustering.jl12Yet another clustering package
HighFrequencyCovariance.jl12A package for estimating and regularising correlation and covariance matrices with high frequency financial data
SpatialDependence.jl12A Julia package for spatial dependence (spatial autocorrelation), spatial weights matrices, and exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA).
ADRIA.jl12ADRIA: Adaptive Dynamic Reef Intervention Algorithms. A multi-criteria decision support platform for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
Taxonomy.jl12Julia package to handle the NCBI Taxonomy database.
TextGraphs.jl12Graph representations of text
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