Dependency Packages
MimiPAGE2020.jl7PAGE-2020 - a Julia implementation of the PAGE Integrated Assessment Model
Absynth.jl7A Julia package for loop synthesis
MolecularGaussians.jl7Alignment and comparison of small molecules read from .sdf files represented as Gaussian Mixture Models.
MOTIFs.jl7DNA Motif discovery that includes the discovery of flexible (long or gapped) motifs.
MPIMapReduce.jl7An MPI-based distributed map-reduce function for Julia
SimpleTensorNetworks.jl7Naive generic implementation of tensor networks (WIP)
NeuralFieldEq.jl7NeuralFieldEq.jl: An efficient solver to compute Neural Field Equations in several scenarios
NormalizeQuantiles.jl7NormalizeQuantiles.jl implements quantile normalization
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
ONSAS.jl7An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
SFrontiers.jl7A Package for Estimating Stochastic Frontier Models using Julia
OutlierDetectionNetworks.jl7Neural-Network Outlier Detection Algorithms for Julia
Phonetics.jl7A collection of functions to analyze phonetic data
PhotoAcoustic.jl7Forward and adjoint photoacoustic operators built on top of JUDI which uses DEVITO as backend for solving wave PDE's.
Autologistic.jl7Autologistic regression models in Julia
PointProcessInference.jl7Statistical inference for Poisson Processes
PortHamiltonianBenchmarkSystems.jl7A collection of port-Hamiltonian benchmark systems
Posets.jl7Partially ordered sets fully compatible with Graphs.jl
Powersense.jl7Julia package with tools at the cross-section of Power System Operations, Applied Mathematics, High-Performance Computations, and Machine-Learning.
PriorityChannels.jl7Provides a Channel where elements are associated with a priority. take! returns highest priority item.
MatrixImpute.jl6Julia Package for Matrix Imputation
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
SourceCodeMcCormick.jl6Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation
FLoops.jl6Forked Successor to
ConstraintModels.jl6A package that stores Constraint Programming models for JuliaConstraints solvers
MixedSubdivisions.jl6A Julia package for computing a (fine) mixed subdivision and the mixed volume of lattice polytopes
Mehrotra.jl6Solver for complemetarity-based dynamics.
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
RecursiveCausalDiscovery.jl6Recursive causal discovery with Julia
CounterfactualRegret.jl6Counterfactual Regret Minimization Game solution methods for Julia
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
FewBodyPhysics.jl6Quantum mechanical few body systems in Julia
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