Dependency Packages
CountriesBorders.jl1Small package to extract coordinates of countries border
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
BlankLocalizationCore.jl1Julia implementation of our multi-operation blank localization method
GeneralizedSDistributions.jl1A family of distributions that can serve as statistical models for unimodal distributions.
NoiseModels.jl1Noise modeling
LighthouseFlux.jl1An adapter package that implements Lighthouse's framework interface for Flux
GasChromatographySystems.jl1A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC) in complex systems
ReactionNetworkEvolution.jl1This package simplifies evolutionary algorithms for applications in systems biology. It can be used to generate oscillating reaction networks, networks that match input timeseries data, or fit parameters (rateconstants).
CoreMLProtobuf.jl1A repository of generated Julia models from Apple's CoreML protobuf message format
AdditiveCellCom.jl1Generalized linear models for cell-cell communication
UlamMethod.jl1A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method.
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
LiquidElectrolytes.jl0Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for liquid electrolytes
CycleSolver.jl0Package for solving steady state thermodynamic cycles
BiochemicalVisualization.jl0Graphical interface for BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl
CZML.jl0Create CZML files in Julia
InstantFrame.jl0Fast 3D frame structural analysis
BenchmarkEnvironments.jl0Standard environments for benchmarking the performance of RL algorithms.
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
SurfaceReactions.jl0This package is a part of RSim, however, may also be used as an independent package for the calculation of source terms from an xml mechanism input file
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
MovingBoundaryProblems1D.jl0Implementation of the finite volume method for moving boundary problems in 1D.
GalacticPotentials.jl0Common galactic potential models as ModelingToolkit systems!
TaylorInversion.jl0A Julia package for inverting Taylor series
NonconvexJuniper.jl0Juniper wrapper in Nonconvex.jl
FSInteraction.jl0A framework for simulating dynamical structures coupling with viscous incompressible flows
DirectGaussianSimulation.jl0Direct Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
TKTDsimulations.jl0Julia simulation package for TKTD models
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
NonconvexIpopt.jl0Ipopt wrapper for Nonconvex.jl.
NonconvexPavito.jl0Pavito wrapper in Nonconvex.jl
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