Dependency Packages
RangeEnclosures.jl22Enclosures of real-valued functions in Julia
GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl21Finite Element Module for Julia that focusses on gradient-robust discretisations and multiphysics problems
SciPyDiffEq.jl21Wrappers for the SciPy differential equation solvers for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
PiecewiseDeterministicMarkovProcesses.jl21Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes in Julia
NeuroTreeModels.jl21Differentiable tree-based models for tabular data
Piccolo.jl21A convenience meta-package for quantum optimal control using the Pade Integrator COllocation (PICO) method
Trebuchet.jl21Throw stuff
UnitfulAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
SeaPearlZoo.jl21SeaPearl's pool of examples
PeriLab.jl21Welcome to Peridynamic Laboratory (PeriLab), a powerful software solution designed for tackling Peridynamic problems.
OrdinalGWAS.jl21Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for ordered categorical phenotypes
KnetLayers.jl21Useful Layers for Knet
ITensorParallel.jl21Parallel tools for ITensors.jl.
BoundaryLayerDynamics.jl21Turbulence-resolving simulations of boundary-layer flows (DNS & LES)
HierarchicalGaussianFiltering.jl21The Julia implementation of the generalised hierarchical Gaussian filter
NLPModelsIpopt.jl20A thin IPOPT wrapper for NLPModels
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
ProgressiveHedging.jl20Basic progressive hedging implementation in Julia
PRONTO.jl20A Julia implementation of PRONTO
FMIExport.jl20FMIExport.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language which allows for the export of FMUs ( from any Julia-Code. FMIExport.jl is completely integrated into FMI.jl.
TinyModia.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
ModiaMath.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
JuliaBUGS.jl20Implementation of domain specific language (DSL) for probabilistic graphical models
MATLABDiffEq.jl20Common interface bindings for the MATLAB ODE solvers via MATLAB.jl for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning ecosystem
MDToolbox.jl20MDToolbox.jl: A Julia package for molecular dynamics trajectories analysis and modeling of biomolecules
PowerNetworkMatrices.jl20Methods to generate matrix representations of power systems matrices
TightBindingApproximation.jl20Julia package for the tight binding approximation of quantum lattice systems.
CalibrateEDMF.jl20A package to calibrate atmospheric turbulence and convection parameterizations using gradient-free ensemble Kalman methods
ITensorsVisualization.jl20A tool for visualizing tensor network contractions.
ParameterEstimocean.jl20🎲 Parameter estimation for Oceananigans using EnsembleKalmanProcesses
MetacommunityDynamics.jl20Population and community dynamics on spatial graphs, in julia. (formerly EcoDynamics.jl)
PlanetaryEphemeris.jl19Solar System ephemeris Taylor integrator based on JPL DE430/431 dynamical model
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
SpikingNN.jl19An multi-platform spiking neural network simulator
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