Dependency Packages
FlightGNC.jl4A Julia package containing GNC algorithms for autonomous aerospace systems
FastaLoader.jl4Load fasta files that contain DNA strings and process it for other downstream tasks
F1Method.jl4F-1 method
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl4Manifolds for the natural parameters of members of the exponential family of distributions
LifeInsuranceDataModel.jl4Bitemporal data management for prototypical life insurance data model
ExpFamilyDistributions.jl4A Julia package for probability distributions member of the Exponential family
LightLattices.jl4Lazy interface to lattices with arbitrary unit cells.
EulerLagrange.jl4Code generation for Euler-Lagrange equations.
SwissVAMyKnife.jl4Julia package for Light Based Tomographic Volumetric Additive Manufacturing.
XGPaint.jl4Fast forward simulations of extragalactic foregrounds
PeriodicSystems.jl4Linear periodic time-varying systems tools in Julia
PerronFrobenius.jl4Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
Pesto.jl4Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination
ElectronLiquid.jl4Effective field theory approach to the electron liquid problem
Biofilm.jl4This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
EarthData.jl4Julia interface to
PowerAnalytics.jl4Analytic routines for power system simulation results in the Sienna ecosystem
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
ITensorLattices.jl4Library for generating and visualizing lattices for use in constructing Hamiltonians
StirredReactor.jl4A julia package for the simulation of stirred tank reactor with surface, gasphase or user defined chemistry models
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
WenoNeverworld.jl4An idealized atlantic
ZonalFlow.jl4Simulating zonal flows on the β-plane.
StableSpectralElements.jl4StableSpectralElements.jl: Provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods for conservation laws
BridgeLandmarks.jl4Image analysis and stochastic processes on shape and landmark spaces.
BSTModelKit.jl4A Julia package for building, and running Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) models
LoopTools.jl4Julia wrapper of LoopTools for computing one-loop integrals
QuantizedSystemSolver.jl4This is an ODE solver that implements the quantized state system methods: An approach that builds the solution by updating the system variables independently.
QuantumAnnealingAnalytics.jl4Tools for Visualization of Quantum Annealing
QuantumControlBase.jl4Common methods for quantum control packages
DateSelectors.jl4Utilities for partitioning Dates into validation and holdout sets.
QuasiGrad.jl4This package provides access to the QuasiGrad solver, developed for the 3rd ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Challenge.
KiteViewers.jl43D viewer for airborne wind energy systems
RandomLinearAlgebraSolvers.jl4Randomized Methods for Linear Algebra
RandomPhaseApproximation.jl4Standard random phase approximation (particle-hole channel) for quantum lattice system.
CUDASIMDTypes.jl4Explicit SIMD types for CUDA
CBLS.jl4A MOI/JuMP interface for `LocalSearchSolvers.jl`, a Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) framework
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