Dependency Packages
GeneralizedSDistributions.jl1A family of distributions that can serve as statistical models for unimodal distributions.
MPIFiles.jl1Julia Package for reading and writing MPI Files
ASDF2.jl1ASDF, the Advanced Scientific Data Format
MortarContact2D.jl1Mortar contact mechanics for plane problems
ApproxMasterEqs.jl1This Julia package performs the numerical integration of two Approximated Master Equations on networks: the Cavity Master Equation and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation
GRAPELinesearchAnalysis.jl1Analyze and debug LBFGS linesearch behavior inside GRAPE
JordanForm.jl1An _educational_ implementation for computing the Jordan form and its transformation matrix.
AnimalBehavior.jl1[WIP] Wrapper package for simulation and bayesian inference of behavioral models
GuidedProposals.jl1Implementation of Guided Proposals (introduced by M Schauer, F van der Meulen, H van Zanten)
HardwareAbstractions.jl1The gap between theory and practice is in practice greater than in theory.
UnfoldCDL.jl1Deep Unfolded Convolutional Dictionary Learning for motif discovery.
MetidaCu.jl1CUDA solver for Metida.jl
Hyperelastics.jl1Hyperelastic Material modelling with support for Automatic Differentiation
ComoniconGUI.jl1Aims to provide similar functionality with Comonicon.jl but with a GUI rather than CLI
Aerosol.jl1Models of aerosol chemistry and physics using ModelingToolkit.jl
SDFResults.jl1Read and analyze EPOCH simulation data
Schistoxpkg.jl1Package to perform individual based modelling of schistosomiasis
ConservationLawsParticles.jl1Particle methods for 1D conservation laws
MaximumEntropyMomentClosures.jl1Methods for the evaluation of maximum entropy distributions
RomeoDFT.jl1Romeo Occupation Matrix Energy Optimizer for DFT
MatterMost.jl1A Julia package generated using the OpenAPI Generator, providing a convenient API client for interacting with Mattermost chat platforms, supporting various operations and data models with seamless integration.
SimSpread.jl1SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.
RepoSnapshots.jl1Take "snapshots" of the main branches of every repository in a GitHub organization
SimulinkSDIImporter.jl1Import data from Simulink SDI Sessions to Julia.
SMLMBoxer.jl1SMLMBoxer.jl is a Julia package that provides a fast and efficient method for detecting particles or blobs in a multidimensional image stack and cutting out sub-regions around local maxima.
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
SoapySDRRecorder.jl1A simple multi-SDR recorder using SoapySDR.jl
SocialSamplingTheory.jl1A Julia package for simulating Social Sampling Theory
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