Dependency Packages
PoissonSolvers.jl1Poisson Solvers in 1D, 2D and 3D
MarketRisk.jl1High-performance market risk measures for your portfolio.
CompactBasisFunctions.jl1Compactly supported basis functions in Julia
Clusterpath.jl1Julia implementation of *l*_1-norm clusterpath (Hocking et al., 2011, Radchenko & Mukerjee, 2017)
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
OpticalFibers.jl1Julia package for Optical fibers
AnalyticalMethodValidation.jl1Method validation
ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis.jl1Quantitative analysis of chemicals
TracyWidomBeta.jl1This package aims to compute the Tracy-Widom distribution for arbitrary positive beta.
RealTimeScheduling.jl1Real-time systems modeling and schedulability analysis
LuxTestUtils.jl1Collection of Functions useful for testing various packages in the Lux Ecosystem
CalibrationAnalysis.jl1Multi-language suite for analyzing calibration of probabilistic predictive models.
LogisticOptTools.jl1A package to fit logistic regression in pure Julia
BoundaryValueProblems.jl1Boundary value problem interface for CalculustJL
BoundaryCrossingProbabilities.jl1Computes the boundary crossing probability for a general diffusion process and time-dependent boundary.
Boids.jl1This is a Julia package for implementing boid flocking simulations
BlankLocalizationCore.jl1Julia implementation of our multi-operation blank localization method
BioFindr.jl1Fast Inference of Biological Networks from Directed Regulations (Findr) in Julia
TruncatedDistributions.jl1Support for univariate and multivariate truncated distributions in Julia
ShellStructureTopo.jl1Detect topological entities on a triangular surface mesh.
TSMLextra.jl1External Machine Learning Libs for TSML
LimitOfDetection.jl1Estimate LoD from data
LighthouseFlux.jl1An adapter package that implements Lighthouse's framework interface for Flux
BinnedModels.jl1A Julia package for statistical modeling of binned data, e.g. histograms.
BetaReader.jl1Transliterate Beta Code Greek to Unicode Greek
UlamMethod.jl1A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method.
RadialBasisFunctionModels.jl1Radial Basis Function Surrogates
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
BaytesInference.jl1Plotting and inference utilities for Baytes.jl output.
ReefModEngine.jl1A Julia interface to the ReefMod Engine API
UnfoldCDL.jl1Deep Unfolded Convolutional Dictionary Learning for motif discovery.
BayesBase.jl1BayesBase is a package that serves as an umbrella, defining, exporting, and re-exporting methods essential for Bayesian statistics
BATBase.jl1Core API of BAT.jl
MultiStochGrad.jl1Julia implementation of stochastic gradient algorithms (SCSG , SVRG)
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