Dependency Packages
SPHtoGrid.jl6Package to map SPH particle data to a cartesian grid
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
FewBodyPhysics.jl6Quantum mechanical few body systems in Julia
CausalGPSLC.jl6Causal Inference using Gaussian Processes with Structured Latent Confounders. Estimate treatment effects with Gaussian processes.
Retriever.jl5Julia wrapper for the Data Retriever software
AgnosticBayesEnsemble.jl4This Package comprises a collection of ensemble algorithms for prediction, in order to improve the predictive performance for classification and regression problems.
FastaLoader.jl4Load fasta files that contain DNA strings and process it for other downstream tasks
GadgetUnits.jl4Unit conversion utility for the cosmological Tree-SPH code Gadget
RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl4Julia Package for randomized diagonal estimation of matrices and matrix functions
SeisReconstruction.jl4Seismic reconstruction tools for SeismicJulia project
SimDNA.jl4Generate simulated DNA sequences for regulatory genomics problems
StableSpectralElements.jl4StableSpectralElements.jl: Provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods for conservation laws
WenoNeverworld.jl4An idealized atlantic
ThermofluidQuantities.jl3Basic tools and definitions of quantities in thermofluids problems
OhMyQSIM.jl3Yet another Quantum simulator
HTMLSanitizer.jl3HTML sanitization in Julia
HiddenMarkovModelReaders.jl3Hidden Markov model and unsupervised hypothesis generator for signal processing and anomaly detection.
EmailScraper.jl3Scrape Emails from Domains
OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids.jl3🌐 Recipes and tools for generating spherical shell grids for ocean simulations with Oceananigans
EconJobMarket.jl2Interface for the EconJobMarket Data API using the Julia programming language
MotifPvalue.jl2Threshold and p-value computations for Position Weight Matrices
Selafin.jl2Telemac Selafin file reader in Julia
Gasdynamics1D.jl2Tools for analysis of 1d gasdynamics problems
PRISMA.jl2Generate checklists and flow diagrams based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
SeisPlot.jl2Plotting tools for SeismicJulia project
SynchrotronKernel.jl2Julia implementation of the first and second synchrotron function
ProjectEulerUtil.jl2Utility functions for Project Euler
DampRR.jl2A Julia package for the damped rank reduction method and its variants.
StateSpacePartitions.jl2Automatic partitions of state space from a dynamical system
Circo.jl2A distributed computing platform, designed to scale to millions of nodes and providing metaphoric abstractions.
DocumenterDocset.jl1Docset backend for Documenter.jl
IntegerTriangles.jl1Integer triangles basics
ExtractLinks.jl1Extract links from a webpage
UKBMain.jl1To work with a UKB main dataset
UnfoldCDL.jl1Deep Unfolded Convolutional Dictionary Learning for motif discovery.
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