Dependency Packages
ClipData.jl81Move data to and from the clipboard in Julia
Sunny.jl80Spin dynamics and generalization to SU(N) coherent states
SMM.jl79Simulated Method of Moments for Julia
GemmKernels.jl78Flexible and performant GEMM kernels in Julia
GeneticsMakie.jl77🧬High-performance genetics- and genomics-related data visualization using Makie.jl
Impute.jl77Imputation methods for missing data in julia
CombinedParsers.jl77Compiled parser combinators and regular expressions in pure julia
PencilFFTs.jl77Fast Fourier transforms of MPI-distributed Julia arrays
JuliaCon.jl75JuliaCon. Everywhere.
Modia3D.jl74Modeling and Simulation of 3D systems
MatrixDepot.jl74An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia
DTables.jl72Distributed table structures and data manipulation operations built on top of Dagger.jl
Pathogen.jl72Simulation, visualization, and inference of individual level infectious disease models with Julia
IncrementalInference.jl72Clique recycling non-Gaussian (multi-modal) factor graph solver; also see Caesar.jl.
Matte.jl72Julia-powered dashboards, inspired by Material Design
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
Tyler.jl71Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers
IonSim.jl71A simple tool for simulating trapped ion systems
HighDimPDE.jl71A Julia package for Deep Backwards Stochastic Differential Equation (Deep BSDE) and Feynman-Kac methods to solve high-dimensional PDEs without the curse of dimensionality
QuantumCumulants.jl70Generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems
SMC.jl70Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for approximation of posterior distributions.
JLBoost.jl69A 100%-Julia implementation of Gradient-Boosting Regression Tree algorithms
AnyMOD.jl69Julia framework for energy system models with a focus on multi-period capacity expansion
GeoDataFrames.jl67Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL
Mimi.jl66Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework
SQLREPL.jl66A Julia REPL mode for SQL
ChemometricsTools.jl64A collection of tools for chemometrics and machine learning written in Julia.
QuantumOpticsBase.jl64Base functionality library for QuantumOptics.jl
RoME.jl64Robot Motion Estimate: Tools, Variables, and Factors for SLAM in robotics; also see Caesar.jl.
RData.jl63Read R data files from Julia
AtomicGraphNets.jl62Atomic graph models for molecules and crystals in Julia
FredData.jl62Pull data from Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) directly into Julia
DataStreams.jl61[DEPRECATED in favor of] A fast, generic framework for transferring table-like data structures in Julia
Kuber.jl61Julia Kubernetes Client
PencilArrays.jl60Distributed Julia arrays using the MPI protocol
DataFrameMacros.jl60Macros that simplify working with DataFrames.jl
AutoGP.jl60Automated Bayesian model discovery for time series data
SpatialEcology.jl58Julia framework for spatial ecology - data types and utilities
SummaryTables.jl58A Julia package for creating publication-ready summary tables in HTML, docx, LaTeX and Typst
Luna.jl58Nonlinear optical pulse propagator
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