
Robot Motion Estimate: Tools, Variables, and Factors for SLAM in robotics; also see Caesar.jl.
Author JuliaRobotics
64 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
April 2016


Stable Dev Coverage Docs
version CI docs


Robot Motion Estimate (RoME.jl) is part of the overall Caesar.jl and provides a set of graph variables, factors, and utility features for robotics-related navigation, tracking, and mapping (i.e. SLAM). RoME.jl helps build front-ends using the [Multi-modal iSAM] backend solver which is implemented over at IncrementalInference.jl. See the related references of interest here. Most notably, this package provides common navigation-type variables and factors to be included in more general DistributedFactorGraphs.jl graph objects.

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You can directly install with:

using Pkg

If you are interested in a broader toolkit, which includes a visualizer and database interaction, please see Caesar.jl.


See the common Caesar.jl documenation for more details cjl-docs-img. Further examples can be found in the examples and test folders.

Consider Citing

Consider citing our work using the common reference at Caesar.jl Citation with IncrementalInference.jl DOI. We are grateful for many, many contributions within the Julia package ecosystem -- see the page for dependencies.

Comments and Issues Welcome

Please don't hesitate to open issues or suggestions in line with JuliaRobotics code of conduct. Find the Gist here.