Dependency Packages
TextParse.jl57A bunch of fast text parsing tools
Porta.jl56A useful tool on the road to reality. Read the documentation on the website.
FoldsCUDA.jl56Data-parallelism on CUDA using Transducers.jl and for loops (FLoops.jl)
Trading.jl56Algorithmic trading and backtesting framework in pure julia
FluxMPI.jl56Distributed Data Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networks
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
ITensorNetworks.jl55A package with general tools for working with higher-dimensional tensor networks based on ITensor.
Simulate.jl55Discrete event generation and simulation in Julia
Glyphy.jl53I will look for you. I will find you. And I will print you. (If you're a Unicode glyph...)
Stonks.jl53Julia library for standardizing financial data retrieval and storage from multiple APIs.
Survey.jl53Analysis of complex surveys
QuantumLab.jl52A workbench for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Physics in Julia
ITensorTDVP.jl52Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) of MPS based on ITensors.jl.
SeisNoise.jl52Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation in Julia
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
TypeDBClient.jl51A client interface to read from and write to the TypeDB Knowledge Graph
CSVFiles.jl50FileIO.jl integration for CSV files
Pickle.jl50An experimental package for loading and saving object in Python Pickle format.
DaggerGPU.jl50GPU integrations for Dagger.jl
PorousMaterials.jl50Julia package towards classical molecular modeling of nanoporous materials
LogicCircuits.jl49Logic Circuits from the Juice library
VortexLattice.jl48A Comprehensive Julia implementation of the Vortex Lattice Method
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
AlgebraicRelations.jl47Relational Algebra, now with more algebra!
Forecast.jl46Julia package containing utilities intended for Time Series analysis.
Unfold.jl46Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, pupil ...) regression analysis in Julia
StructuralEquationModels.jl46A fast and flexible Structural Equation Modelling Framework
PopGen.jl46Population Genetics in Julia
JsonGrinder.jl45Machine learning with Mill.jl for JSON documents
Pingouin.jl45Reimplementation of Raphaelvallat's Pingouin in Julia
YOLO.jl45YOLO Object Detection in Julia
Serde.jl45Serde is a Julia library for (de)serializing data to/from various formats. The library offers a simple and concise API for defining custom (de)serialization behavior for user-defined types
SnpArrays.jl44Compressed storage for SNP data
Lilith.jl44Renamed to Avalon.jl
PtFEM.jl44"Programming the Finite Element Method" by I M Smith, D V Griffiths and L Margetts
Kezdi.jl43Julia package for data manipulation and analysis
LinRegOutliers.jl43Direct and robust methods for outlier detection in linear regression
SystemBenchmark.jl43Julia package for benchmarking a system
Crux.jl43Julia library for deep reinforcement learning
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