Dependency Packages
MultiScaleTreeGraph.jl9Read, analyse, compute, write and convert MTG files
MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl9MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl is a collection of software tools written in the Julia programming language for graph signal processing including HGLET, GHWT, eGHWT, NGWP, Lapped NGWP, and Lapped HGLET. Some of them were originally written in MATLAB by Jeff Irion, but we added more functionalities, e.g., eGHWT, NGWP, etc.
PassiveTracerFlows.jl9Passive tracer dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
MonolithicFEMVLFS.jl9A monolithic Finite Element formulation for the hydroelastic analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
GigaScatter.jl9Fast rasterization of huge amounts of tiny transparent points (in Julia)
Gaugefields.jl9Utilities of gauge fields
SUNRepresentations.jl9A Julia package for computing SU(N) Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients.
FourierGPE.jl9Simple Gross-Pitaevskii Equation solver using FFTW
SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.jl9A straightforward interface to the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
SimSearchManifoldLearning.jl9Non-linear dimensional reduction using SimilaritySearch (ManifoldLearning and UMAP)
PkgUtils.jl9Some small utilities to help with Julia packages
KitBase.jl9Lightweight module of physical formulations in Kinetic.jl
BundleAdjustmentModels.jl9Julia repository of bundle adjustment problems
VersatileHDPMixtureModels.jl8Code for our UAI '20 paper "Scalable and Flexible Clustering of Grouped Data via Parallel and Distributed Sampling in Versatile Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes"
TextSearch.jl8Searching methods and models for textual data; it was designed to work with SimilaritySearch.jl
GridapTopOpt.jl8A computational toolbox for level set-based topology optimisation in Julia
GridapBifurcationKit.jl8Allow to use BifurcationKit.jl with Gridap.jl
VortexDistributions.jl8Fast accurate creation, detection and analysis of quantum vortex distributions.
ExoplanetsSysSim.jl8Exoplanet System Simulation: core files
Kpax3.jl8Bayesian bi-clustering of categorical data
KnetNLPModels.jl8An NLPModels Interface to Knet
WGPUgfx.jl8WGPU graphics library julia
DiskBackedDicts.jl8Simple Dict that is backed on hard disk
HITRAN.jl7Spectrum calculation using the HITRAN database for Julia
MoM_Kernels.jl7A Julia package for kernel functions of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
CompHENS.jl7Computational Tools for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
GraphNetCore.jl7GraphNetCore.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an the core functionality of the MeshGraphNets.jl package. Some parts are based on the implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
GNSSReceiver.jl7Implementation of a GNSSReceiver
GeoEnergyIO.jl7Parsers and processing for geoenergy data file formats in Julia.
MAGEMinApp.jl7Graphical User Interface for MAGEMin, which runs in your web-browser.
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
BattMo.jl7Battery modelling using Jutul.jl and BattMo in MRST
Arena.jl7Collection 3D visualization tools associated with the Caesar.jl and RoME.jl robot navigation packages
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