Dependency Packages
GeoEstimation.jl3Geostatistical estimation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
JUDI4Cloud.jl3JUDI parallelism with Azure batch
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
SymbolicNeuralNetworks.jl3Analytic neural networks based on Symbolics.jl
Kirstine.jl3Bayesian optimal design of experiments in Julia. Note: This is just a mirror of the main branch for the Julia General registry. Development happens at sourcehut. Please report any issues over there.
BayesianTomography.jl3A Julia package for Bayesian quantum state tomography
MicrobiomeAnalysis.jl3Functions and workflows for the analysis of microbiome data.
StateSpaceReconstruction.jl3State space reconstruction (SSR) for the study of dynamical system from time series.
MultiData.jl3Multimodal datasets for Machine-Learning
LinearNoiseApproximation.jl3This package provides a numerical method of applying linear noise approximation (LNA) to a given reaction system
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
TinyGibbs.jl3Tiny Gibbs sampler making use of AbstractMCMC.jl and MCMCChains.jl
Dyn3d.jl32d/3d rigid body dynamics solver
CanopyOptics.jl3Tools for the computation of canopy optical parameters
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
CloudQSim.jl3Client for simulating quantum computers in cloud
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
GeoSimulation.jl3Geostatistical simulation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
MirrorUpdater.jl3Automatically mirror Julia package repositories
CoherentTransformations.jl3Combines CoherentNoise.jl and ImageTransformations.jl to produce interesting image results.
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
TotalVariation.jl3Total Variation and Group Sparse Total Variation Denoising
SimGBS.jl3A simple method to simulate Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) data.
Coils.jl3Julia package for engineering magnetic coils
VlasiatorMakie.jl3Makie plot recipe for Vlasiator
QRCode.jl3The original version of written by jiegillet
TraitSimulation.jl3Simulate phenotypes from any GLM model
HCIToolbox.jl3Common utilities for high-contrast imaging
GeoArtifacts.jl3Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
SearchLightSQLite.jl3SQLite adapter for SearchLight
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
NEFTInterface.jl3Interfacing NumericalEFT with TRIQS and other external packages.
ConsistentKoopman.jl3Algorithms for consistent spectral approximation of Koopman operators from data.
IMASdd.jl3Basic data dictionary functionalities of IMAS.jl
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