Dependency Packages
HybridSystemsSimulations.jl5Extension Repository for the simulation of Hybrid Energy Systems with PowerSimulations.jl
RingStarProblems.jl4A Julia solver of Ring Star Problem variants
MonotoneSplines.jl4Monotone Cubic B-Splines (arXiv:2307.01748)
XPORTA.jl4A Julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
PolynomialAmoebas.jl4Package to compute Amoebas in 2 and 3 variables.
CBLS.jl4A MOI/JuMP interface for `LocalSearchSolvers.jl`, a Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) framework
PowerAnalytics.jl4Analytic routines for power system simulation results in the Sienna ecosystem
IsingSolvers.jl4🧲Ising Model solvers in Julia
BirkhoffDecomposition.jl4Julia package for decomposing doubly stochastic matrices
ProjectAssigner.jl4Tool for assigning students from a large class (e.g. Senior Design) to projects based on their preferences, skills, and small friend groups
FlexibilityAnalysis.jl4A JuMP extension for conducting flexibility analysis.
HyperVoronoiDelaunay.jl4Voronoi and Delaunay tesselation in arbitrary dimension
NonconvexTOBS.jl4An implementation of the TOBS algorithm as a heuristic for binary nonlinear programming
NonconvexCore.jl4All the interface functions and structs of Nonconvex.jl.
QuantReg.jl4An implementation of quantile regression for Julia modeled after the R quantreg package.
AutomationLabsModelPredictiveControl.jl4Advanced process control for AutomationLabs
QuasiGrad.jl4This package provides access to the QuasiGrad solver, developed for the 3rd ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Challenge.
SecretSanta.jl4A Julia package for generating Secret Santa matchings and emailing participants
WiNDC.jl4WiNDC Build Stream created in Julia
QuadraticAssignmentProblem.jl4Algorithms for solving the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) implemented in Julia.
OptimalPortfolios.jl4Optimal Portfolios
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
DeferredAcceptance.jl3A Julia implementation of several tools for solving school-choice problems and computing equilibria in nonatomic school-choice markets.
PetroleumModels.jl3A Julia/JuMP Package for Petroleum Network Optimization
PowerModelsStability.jl3Stability-constrained Power Flow Models
StochasticBlockModel.jl3A Julia package for Stochastic Block Models
ChooseOptimizer.jl3Tool to select different optimization engines and set options.
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
LatinSquares.jl3Creating Latin squares and pairs of orthogonal Latin squares
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
Polyomino.jl3Polyomino.jl - Polyomino generation and chess algorithms implemented in Julia
UnivariateDensityEstimate.jl3Univariate density estimation via Bernstein polynomials; able to model explicit combinatorial shape constraints.
MultiwayNumberPartitioning.jl3Solving a partitioning problem exactly
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
NonconvexMetaheuristics.jl3Wrapper of Metaheuristics.jl using the Nonconvex.jl API.
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