Dependency Packages
POMDPModelTools.jl8Useful extensions of the POMDPs.jl interface
BenchmarkFunctions.jl8A set of common benchmark functions for testing optimization algorithms in Julia
ABCredit.jl8A fast and simple to use Julia implementation of the macroeconomic model described in [Assenza, Delli Gatti, Grazzini (2015)]
OpticalPropagation.jl8Optical propagation calculation
MLJFlow.jl8Connecting MLJ and MLFlow
MittagLeffler.jl8Mittag-Leffler function
NextGP.jl8Next Generation Genomic Prediction Tools
MGVI.jl8Metric Gaussian Variational Inference
BMesh.jl8Background mesh and utilities for topology optimization
NumCME.jl8Direct solution of the Chemical Master Equation in Julia.
MarkovChainHammer.jl8A toolkit for analyzing, generating, and constructing both continuous and discrete markov chains.
ACTRModels.jl8A Julia Package for the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture
MultiQuad.jl8A convenient interface to perform 1D, 2D and 3D numerical integrations. Uses QuadGK.jl, Cuba.jl, HCubature.jl and FastGaussQuadrature.jl as back-ends.
ElemCo.jl8Julia implementation of various electron-correlation methods (main focus on coupled cluster methods).
InverseStatMech.jl8Efficient inverse statistical mechanical algorithms to generate effective potentials or configurations from pair correlation functions or structure factors.
EngThermBase.jl8Engineering Thermodynamics infrastructure in Julia
BokehServer.jl7A julia Bokeh server
Coefplots.jl7This repository aims to make available in Julia the functionalities of the Stata command coefplot. Coefplots is built on PGFPlotsX.
MAGEMinApp.jl7Graphical User Interface for MAGEMin, which runs in your web-browser.
QuantumStateDistributions.jl7Distributions for continuous variables
ClusteredLowRankSolver.jl7A semidefinite programming solver for clustered low-rank SDPs
PCHIPInterpolation.jl7Monotonic cubic interpolation in Julia
PauliPopRec.jl7Learning sparse Pauli noise using the population recovery algorithm.
MarriageMarkets.jl7Equilibrium marriage market models.
CircleFit.jl7Fitting circles to 2D data points.
CherenkovDeconvolution.jl7Deconvolution algorithms popular in Cherenkov astronomy
CharFuncPricing.jl7Julia package to provide reference European option prices for stochastic volatility models with a known characteristic function, such as the Heston stochastic volatility model.
MimiPAGE2020.jl7PAGE-2020 - a Julia implementation of the PAGE Integrated Assessment Model
GenieAuthorisation.jl7Role based authorisation (RBA) plugin for Genie.jl
BetaRegression.jl7Regression models for beta distributed responses in Julia
CEEDesigns.jl7A decision-making framework for the cost-efficient design of experiments, balancing the value of acquired experimental evidence and incurred costs.
NeuralFieldEq.jl7NeuralFieldEq.jl: An efficient solver to compute Neural Field Equations in several scenarios
ApproxFunFourier.jl7Support for Fourier-based spaces in ApproxFun
ParetoSmoothedImportanceSampling.jl7WAIC and PSIS model comparison methods as explained in Statistical Rethinking.
MCPhylo.jl7(Hierarchical) Phylogenetic Models in Julia
CALiPPSO.jl7Julia package for producing jammed configurations of hard-spheres using iterative linear programming.
Firebird.jl7A Julia interface to the Firebird RDBMS
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