Dependency Packages
XVGReader.jl3Julia package to read and plot xvg files (output of GROMACS)
VlasiatorMakie.jl3Makie plot recipe for Vlasiator
StochasticBlockModel.jl3A Julia package for Stochastic Block Models
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
SearchLightSQLite.jl3SQLite adapter for SearchLight
SurveyDataWeighting.jl3Reweighting survey data so that it sums to some target totals.
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
UnivariateDensityEstimate.jl3Univariate density estimation via Bernstein polynomials; able to model explicit combinatorial shape constraints.
YaoTargetQobj.jl3The Qobj compilation target, includes IBM Q frontend and backend
SpectralDensities.jl3Package that defines commonly used spectral densities for Open Quantum Systems.
SpectralStatistics.jl3Numerical package for the computation and analysis of spectra and eigenvectors of quantum systems
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
SauterSchwabQuadrature.jl3Implementation of the Sauter-Schwab quadrature rules
TinyGibbs.jl3Tiny Gibbs sampler making use of AbstractMCMC.jl and MCMCChains.jl
SimsOptim.jl3Chris Sims' `csolve` and `csminwel` optimization functions
SinusoidalRegressions.jl3Fit experimental data to a variety of sinusoidal models
Watershed.jl3Julia version of watershed.
TotalVariation.jl3Total Variation and Group Sparse Total Variation Denoising
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
SimGBS.jl3A simple method to simulate Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) data.
YaoTargetQASM.jl3The QASM compilation target, includes QASM frontend and backend
SymbolicNeuralNetworks.jl3Analytic neural networks based on Symbolics.jl
Trusty.jl3🌉 truss analysis made convenient!
WaterPhysics.jl3Temperature dependencies of water physical properties
SLEEFMath.jl3A public interface to the SLEEFPirates library
VoxelRayTracers.jl3CPU ray tracing through voxelized geometry
SuccessiveConvexProgrammings.jl3Successive Convex Programming (SCP) algorithms
SerialDependence.jl3Julia module containing standard methods from categorical time-series analysis.
TransformedLogDensities.jl3Create a log density for the LogDensityProblems.jl API using TransformVariables.jl
SphereUDE.jl2A Julia package for regression in the sphere based on Universal Differential Equations
RobustMeans.jl2Implement some Robust Mean Estimators
RobustMFit.jl2Methods to estimate parameters of a distribution robustly
Rocketeer.jl2A Julia implementation of the Rocket method of using random feature kernels for time series classification.
RogueWaveInfiniteNLS.jl2Julia package for computing the rogue waves of infinite order for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
RoMEPlotting.jl22D plotting functionality for the RoME.jl package
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