Dependency Packages
TightBindingApproximation.jl20Julia package for the tight binding approximation of quantum lattice systems.
NLPModelsIpopt.jl20A thin IPOPT wrapper for NLPModels
PRONTO.jl20A Julia implementation of PRONTO
MetacommunityDynamics.jl20Population and community dynamics on spatial graphs, in julia. (formerly EcoDynamics.jl)
DualDecomposition.jl19An algorithmic framework for parallel dual decomposition methods in Julia
UnitJuMP.jl19Julia package allowing unit modelling in JuMP using Unitful
PWF.jl19A Julia package for reading the Brazilian electric power system file ".pwf".
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
MixedModelsSim.jl19Simulation tools for Mixed Models
FlightSims.jl19A general purpose numerical simulator supporting nested dynamical systems and a convenient macro-based data logger.
FlexPlan.jl19Open-source Julia tool for transmission and distribution expansion planning considering storage and demand flexibility
FiniteStateProjection.jl19Finite State Projection algorithms for chemical reaction networks
CellBasedModels.jl18Julia package for multicellular modeling
BARON.jl18A Julia interface to the BARON mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver
MotionCaptureJointCalibration.jl18Kinematic calibration for robots using motion capture data
PowerModelsONM.jl18An optimization library for the operation and restoration of electric power distribution feeders featuring networked microgrids
EffectiveWaves.jl18A package to calculate ensemble averaged waves in heterogeneous materials. The focus is on wave propagation, scattering, and reflection, from particulate and porous materials.
EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl18A simulator for ecological dynamics written in Julia.
MeshGraphNets.jl18MeshGraphNets.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
MOSLab.jl18From Semiconductor to TransistorLevel Modeling in Julia
MultiModalMuSig.jl18A Julia package for extracting mutation signatures using topic models
Photometry.jl18Utilities for characterizing sources in astronomical images.
JuliaGrid.jl17JuliaGrid is an easy-to-use power system simulation tool for researchers and educators provided as a Julia package.
LikelihoodProfiler.jl17LikelihoodProfiler is a Julia package for practical identifiability analysis and confidence intervals evaluation.
NeuralGraphPDE.jl17Integrating Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, the Method of Lines, and Graph Neural Networks
ParametricMCPs.jl17Mixed complementarity problems parameterized by "runtime"-parameters with support for implicit differentiation.
TrajectoryGamesBase.jl17Core interface to design, solve, and simulate trajectory games.
Nclusion.jl17Scalable nonparametric clustering with unified marker gene selection for single-cell RNA-seq data
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
GLPKMathProgInterface.jl17DEPRECATED: Interface between the GLPK.jl wrapper and MathProgBase.jl
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
NaiveNASlib.jl17Relentless mutation!!
VariationalInequality.jl17Solving variational inequality problems, modeling via JuMP
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
CorrectMatch.jl17Source code for
SingleCellProjections.jl17Analysis of Single Cell Expression data in Julia
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