Dependency Packages
FluxKAN.jl24An easy to use Flux implementation of the Kolmogorov Arnold Network. This is a Julia version of TorchKAN.
SeparableOptimization.jl24A Julia package that solves Linearly Constrained Separable Optimization Problems using ADMM.
DocumenterMermaid.jl24Mermaid.js diagram intergration for Documenter.jl
QHull.jl24A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library
WeatherReport.jl24A simple weather app for the Julia REPL
GoogleDrive.jl24Automate Google-Drive download in Julia
AWSSDK.jl24Julia APIs for all public Amazon Web Services (requires AWSCore.jl)
QuantumAnnealing.jl24Tools for the Simulation and Execution of Quantum Annealing Algorithms
SmoothLivePlot.jl24A Julia package for creating live-style plots during calculations.
BytePairEncoding.jl24Julia implementation of Byte Pair Encoding for NLP
DescriptorSystems.jl24Manipulation of generalized state-space (descriptor) system representations using Julia
PSSFSS.jl24Analysis of Polarization and Frequency Selective Surfaces
HurdleDMR.jl24Hurdle Distributed Multinomial Regression (HDMR) implemented in Julia
RiskLabAI.jl24Financial AI with Julia
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
OMETIFF.jl24I/O operations for OME-TIFF files in Julia
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
BinningAnalysis.jl24Statistical standard error estimation tools for correlated data
FrameFun.jl23Exploring practical possibilities of approximating functions with frames rather than with a basis
TableDistances.jl23Distances between heterogeneous tabular data
TidierFiles.jl23Tidier file reading and writing in Julia, modeled after the readr, haven, readxl, and writexl R packages.
PlantBiophysics.jl23A Julia package for computing processes related to plant ecophysiology and biophysics
UrlDownload.jl23Julia url downloader with progress meter
LearningAlgebraicVarieties.jl23Learning Algebraic Varieties from Samples
SpaceLiDAR.jl23A Julia package for working with ICESat-2 & GEDI data as part of my PhD research
CDSAPI.jl23Julia API to the Climate Data Store (a.k.a. CDS)
DocumenterInterLinks.jl23A plugin for Documenter.jl that enables linking between projects
OptControl.jl23A tool to solve optimal control problem
AxisIndices.jl23Apply meaningful keys and custom behavior to indices.
MathML.jl23Julia MathML parser
VTKDataIO.jl23A package for reading, writing and visualizing mesh data, and interfacing with Python's VTK.
IRKGaussLegendre.jl23Implicit Runge-Kutta Gauss-Legendre 16th order (Julia)
SimulationLogs.jl23Signal logging and scoping for DifferentialEquations.jl simulations.
Rimu.jl23Random Integrators for many-body quantum systems
CurricularAnalytics.jl23CurricularAnalytics.jl is a toolbox for studying and analyzing academic program curricula.
SolverBenchmark.jl23Benchmark tools for solvers
ScenTrees.jl23Julia Package for Generating Scenario Trees and Scenario Lattices for Multistage Stochastic Optimization
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