Dependency Packages
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
PenPlots.jl21A simple Julia library for generating SVGs suitable for AxiDraw and similar pen plotters.
GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl21Finite Element Module for Julia that focusses on gradient-robust discretisations and multiphysics problems
ElectrochemicalKinetics.jl21Electrochemical reaction rate modeling and nonequilibrium phase maps (via AD)
PeriLab.jl21Welcome to Peridynamic Laboratory (PeriLab), a powerful software solution designed for tackling Peridynamic problems.
Jolab.jl21A Julia package to simulate light propagation in optical systems
NeutronTransport.jl21Method of Characteristics neutral particle transport code for reactor physics written in Julia.
LazyGroupBy.jl21Lazy, parallelizable and composable group-by operations
Trebuchet.jl21Throw stuff
RasterDataSources.jl21Easily download and use raster data sets in Julia
MatrixPencils.jl21Matrix pencil manipulations using Julia
SpecialPolynomials.jl21Families of polynomials
HierarchicalGaussianFiltering.jl21The Julia implementation of the generalised hierarchical Gaussian filter
BoundaryLayerDynamics.jl21Turbulence-resolving simulations of boundary-layer flows (DNS & LES)
DandelionWebSockets.jl21A Julia package for client side WebSockets.
KnetLayers.jl21Useful Layers for Knet
HssMatrices.jl21A Julia package for hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) matrices.
AuditoryFilters.jl20Auditory filterbanks in Julia
TinyModia.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
ContinuousWavelets.jl20Wide array of continuous wavelet transforms using Julia
SetProg.jl20Set Programming with JuMP
MetacommunityDynamics.jl20Population and community dynamics on spatial graphs, in julia. (formerly EcoDynamics.jl)
TightBindingApproximation.jl20Julia package for the tight binding approximation of quantum lattice systems.
PosteriorPlots.jl20Graphical tools for Bayesian inference and posterior predictive checks
CloudBase.jl20A simple, yet comprehensive foundation for interacting with common cloud providers in Julia (GCP, Azure, AWS).
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
PowerNetworkMatrices.jl20Methods to generate matrix representations of power systems matrices
SignalOperators.jl20A handy set of operators for manipulating digital signals (e.g. Sounds)
LocalProjections.jl20Local projection methods for impulse response estimation
ModiaMath.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
VegaDatasets.jl20Julia package for loading the standard Vega data sets
PRONTO.jl20A Julia implementation of PRONTO
ChemfilesViewer.jl20Julia library to visualize molecules and other chemical structures
Leaflet.jl20LeafletJS mapping library from Julia
CellularPotts.jl20Link to Documentation
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