Dependency Packages
CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses.jl3Spectral temporal filters banks for modeling A1, as described in Chi, Ru & Shamma 2005
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
TotalVariation.jl3Total Variation and Group Sparse Total Variation Denoising
SpectralStatistics.jl3Numerical package for the computation and analysis of spectra and eigenvectors of quantum systems
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
NEFTInterface.jl3Interfacing NumericalEFT with TRIQS and other external packages.
CausalityToolsBase.jl2Base functionality used throughout the CausalityTools ecosystem
BarnsleyFern.jl2To generate Barnsley Fern patterns
SimpleGraphConverter.jl2Convert between graphs defined in Graphs and SimpleGraphs
DynamicBounds.jl2Bounds and Relaxations of Parametric Differential Equations
Huginn.jl2Fast and flexible glacier ice flow models
ApproxFunRational.jl2Support for rational bases in ApproxFun
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
Earth.jl2Earth (multivariate adaptive regression splines) for Julia
SideKicks.jl2Statistical Inference to DEtermine KICKS on compact objects
DataDrivenAcoustics.jl2Data driven acoustic propagation models
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
DampRR.jl2A Julia package for the damped rank reduction method and its variants.
Kinbiont.jl2Ecosystem of numerical methods for microbial kinetics data analysis, from preprocessing to result interpretation.
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
ThreeBodyDecays.jl2Builder of the three-body decay model using cascade approach
EclipsingBinaryStars.jl2Provides an eclipsing binary type as well as functions that compute eclipsing binary parameters
MRIGradients.jl2Julia version of MRI gradient descriptions and GIRF applications.
StochasticIntegrators.jl2Stochastic Numerical Integrators in Julia
PixelArt.jl2Sample repository in
Pixell.jl2Next-generation sky map manipulation on rectangular pixels
WhittleLikelihoodInference.jl2A Julia package for Whittle and debiased Whittle likelihood inference.
RogueWaveInfiniteNLS.jl2Julia package for computing the rogue waves of infinite order for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
EEGToolkit.jl2A Julia package for computational EEG analysis with a focus on sleep neuroscience
IntervalWavelets.jl2Julia package with Daubechies wavelets on an interval
MicrobeAgents.jl2Agent-based modeling of microbial motile behavior via Agents.jl
RemBG.jl2Julia implementation of the python package rembg
CombinatorialMultigrid.jl2Implements the Combinatorial Multigrid Preconditioner
RenderJay.jl2A Julia-based path tracer
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