Dependency Packages
NiaARM.jl0Numerical Association Rule Mining in Julia
BayesSizeAndShape.jl0Bayesian regression models for size-and-shape data
ActiveSetPursuit.jl0Sparse least-squares solver
Pedigree.jl0Pedigree functions implemented in Julia
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
ParticleHolography.jl0ParticleHolography.jl: Holographic particle measurement in Julia.
NFLTables.jl0Functions to access NFL data
LittleEphemeris.jl0Paquete resultante del Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Ingeniería Informática. Este paquete se utiliza para calcular las coordenas y las velocidades de los cuerpos celestes especificados, mediante a interpolación en nodos de Chebyshev. También se utiliza para hacer una gestión ágil de ficheros de coeficientes.
ParameterSpace.jl0General tuning tools for julia. Dive into the parameter space of functions or external programs.
ModularFormsModuloTwo.jl0A packge for standard operations on Modular Forms modulo two (mathematical objects).
BagOfWords.jl0Explores representations based on bag words
ParallelAnalysis.jl0Heuristic methods for assessing approximate unidimensionality of data matrix.
AxisTables.jl0Tables with AxisIndices backend
AxisArrayTables.jl0Tables backed by AxisArrays
LongDatasetSort.jl0Sorting methods for Julia Dataset that depends on InMemoryDataset.jl. Sorting without extra allocations caused by Dataset size.
NeXLMatrixCorrection.jl0EPMA matrix correction algorithms
Skyler.jl0Julia package for recovering stratified spaces underlying point clouds.
AllenNeuropixelsBase.jl0Access data from the Allen Institute's open Neuropixels datasets
SintPowerCase.jl0Package for loading power system data into dataframes in a format similar to MATLAB
EchelleInstruments.jl0Instrument-speciifc code for RvSpectML
NarmViz.jl0Visualize time series numerical association rules
SoilHydraulics.jl0Soil hydraulics module for Soil-Plant-Air Continuum modeling
EditorsRepo.jl0A Julia module for working with an editorial repository organized following HCMID conventions.
SoilProfiles.jl0SoilProfiles.jl is a Julia package for representing soil profile information with the site-layer model
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
SignalTablesInterface_WGLMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to WGLMakie
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