Dependency Packages
QWignerSymbols.jl3A Julia package for computing q-deformed Wigner Symbols and related quantities.
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
NetworkJumpProcesses.jl3Julia package to facilitate the construction of JumpProblems on graphs.
BatchedBLAS.jl3Batch what Nvidia does not
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids.jl3🌐 Recipes and tools for generating spherical shell grids for ocean simulations with Oceananigans
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
CanopyOptics.jl3Tools for the computation of canopy optical parameters
ChaChaCiphers.jl3GPU-compatible implementations of the ChaCha stream cipher family
OhMyQSIM.jl3Yet another Quantum simulator
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
CuCountMap.jl3Fast `StatsBase.countmap` for small types on the GPU via CUDA.jl
ParametricOperators.jl3Scalable and distributed matrix-free abstractions for machine learning and scientific computing
SignalTemps.jl2Exponential representation of cell-cell interactions
BOMBs.jl2Repository for the Julia BOMBS package
BOSS.jl2BOSS (Bayesian Optimization with Semiparametric Surrogate)
DynamicBounds.jl2Bounds and Relaxations of Parametric Differential Equations
AtmosphericDeposition.jl2Models of atmospheric deposition using ModelingToolkit.jl
TaijaPlotting.jl2A package for plotting custom symbols from Taija packages.
NavAbilitySDK.jl2Access NavAbility cloud factor graph features from Julia alongside Caesar.jl and others
DynamicBoundsBase.jl2Abstraction Layer for Dynamic Bounds
RoMEPlotting.jl22D plotting functionality for the RoME.jl package
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
IndexSpaces.jl2Mapping physics quantities onto hardware for efficient parallelization.
Vensim2MTK.jl2A Julia package to import Vensim .xmile files as ModelingToolkit.jl models.
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
CliMADatasets.jl2Repository that containts climate relevant ML datasets from the Climate Modeling Alliance.
LuxCUDA.jl2Trigger Package for CUDA Support in Lux.jl
DiffusionGarnet.jl2Model coupled diffusion of major elements in garnet using natural data.
PositionVelocityTime.jl2Calculate position velocity and time
SphereUDE.jl2A Julia package for regression in the sphere based on Universal Differential Equations
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