Dependency Packages
Air.jl19Light-weight functional collections and utilities for Julia.
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
FiniteStateProjection.jl19Finite State Projection algorithms for chemical reaction networks
SpikingNN.jl19An multi-platform spiking neural network simulator
CovarianceFunctions.jl19Lazy, structured, and efficient operations with kernel matrices.
FlightSims.jl19A general purpose numerical simulator supporting nested dynamical systems and a convenient macro-based data logger.
PalmerPenguins.jl19Load the Palmer penguins dataset in Julia.
LevelDB.jl19Julia interface to Google's LevelDB key value database
EasyFFTs.jl19An opinionated layer on top of FFTW.jl to provide simpler FFTs for everyone.
Cropbox.jl19🌾 declarative crop modeling framework
ConScape.jl19Repository for the ConScape package for landscape ecology
ColorSchemeTools.jl19Tools for working with color schemes, color maps, gradients
ParetoSmooth.jl19An implementation of PSIS algorithms in Julia.
Mellan.jl19Spiral engraving effect
MD5.jl19A performant, 100% native-julia MD5 implementation
PairwiseListMatrices.jl19Symmetric matrix as a list of the values in its upper or lower triangular part. Useful for representing pairwise measures or comparisons when the used metric or distance satisfies the symmetry condition and for adjacency matrices of undirected graphs.
TensorInference.jl19Probabilistic inference using contraction of tensor networks
AlgebraicInference.jl18Bayesian inference on wiring diagrams.
AdmittanceModels.jl18Analysis of linear systems using admittance models
TransformerBlocks.jl18Simple, blazing fast, transformer components.
GenGPT3.jl18GPT-3 as a generative function in Gen.
FMIImport.jl18FMIImport.jl implements the import functionalities of the FMI-standard ( for the Julia programming language. FMIImport.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMI.jl and FMIFlux.jl.
StanSample.jl18WIP: Wrapper package for the sample method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
SphericalScattering.jl18This package provides semi-analytical solutions to the scattering of time harmonic and static electromagnetic fields from spherical objects.
MeshGraphNets.jl18MeshGraphNets.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
FastSphericalHarmonics.jl18Easy-to-use Spherical Harmonics, based on FastTransforms.jl
ROCArrays.jl18Parallel on the ROCks
ClinicalTrialUtilities.jl18Clinical Trial related calculation: descriptive statistics, power and sample size calculation, randomization.
Lehmann.jl18Compact Spectral Representation for Imaginary-time/Matsubara-frequency Green's Functions
EffectiveWaves.jl18A package to calculate ensemble averaged waves in heterogeneous materials. The focus is on wave propagation, scattering, and reflection, from particulate and porous materials.
WaveletsExt.jl18A Julia extension package to Wavelets.jl
HelpGPT.jl18Let the AI fix your mistakes.
Photometry.jl18Utilities for characterizing sources in astronomical images.
ACSets.jl18ACSets: Algebraic databases as in-memory data structures
TransitionsInTimeseries.jl18Transition Indicators / Early Warning Signals / Regime Shifts / Change Point Detection
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