Dependency Packages
MLJFlux.jl145Wrapping deep learning models from the package Flux.jl for use in the MLJ.jl toolbox
MarketData.jl145Time series market data
EAGO.jl144A development environment for robust and global optimization
Lasso.jl143Lasso/Elastic Net linear and generalized linear models
TSne.jl143Julia port of L.J.P. van der Maaten and G.E. Hintons T-SNE visualisation technique.
PowerModelsDistribution.jl142A Julia/JuMP Package for Unbalanced Power Network Optimization
ACME.jl142ACME.jl - Analog Circuit Modeling and Emulation for Julia
PastaQ.jl142Package for Simulation, Tomography and Analysis of Quantum Computers
Hypatia.jl140Interior point solver for general convex conic optimization problems
LatticeQCD.jl140A native Julia code for lattice QCD with dynamical fermions in 4 dimension.
StatsKit.jl139Convenience meta-package to load essential packages for statistics
DiffEqJump.jl139Build and simulate jump equations like Gillespie simulations and jump diffusions with constant and state-dependent rates and mix with differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML)
CompatHelper.jl139Automatically update the [compat] entries for your Julia package's dependencies
JumpProcesses.jl139Build and simulate jump equations like Gillespie simulations and jump diffusions with constant and state-dependent rates and mix with differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML)
ONNX.jl139Read ONNX graphs in Julia
SearchLight.jl139ORM layer for Genie.jl, the highly productive Julia web framework
Augmentor.jl138A fast image augmentation library in Julia for machine learning.
QuantLib.jl137Quantlib implementation in pure Julia
TensorCast.jl137It slices, it dices, it splices!
ConstraintSolver.jl136ConstraintSolver in Julia: Blog posts ->
AugmentedGaussianProcesses.jl135Gaussian Process package based on data augmentation, sparsity and natural gradients
Fermi.jl135Fermi quantum chemistry program
MultivariatePolynomials.jl135Multivariate polynomials interface
AbstractDifferentiation.jl135An abstract interface for automatic differentiation.
ConformalPrediction.jl135Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
ImageView.jl135Interactive display of images and movies
GraphMakie.jl134Plotting graphs with Makie
CPLEX.jl134A Julia interface to the CPLEX solver
RegressionTables.jl134Journal-style regression tables
StringDistances.jl134String Distances in Julia
ControlSystemIdentification.jl132System Identification toolbox, compatible with ControlSystems.jl
Pajarito.jl131A solver for mixed-integer convex optimization
ProximalOperators.jl130Proximal operators for nonsmooth optimization in Julia
SciMLBase.jl130The Base interface of the SciML ecosystem
UMAP.jl130Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) implementation in Julia
ProximalAlgorithms.jl130Proximal algorithms for nonsmooth optimization in Julia
PairPlots.jl130Beautiful and flexible vizualizations of high dimensional data
Circuitscape.jl128Algorithms from circuit theory to predict connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes
NBodySimulator.jl128A differentiable simulator for scientific machine learning (SciML) with N-body problems, including astrophysical and molecular dynamics
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