Dependency Packages
MixedModelsMakie.jl9Plotting functionality for MixedModels.jl implemented in Makie
MLJGLMInterface.jl9MLJ.jl interface for GLM.jl models
AbnormalReturns.jl9Calculate regressions and abnormal returns for large return datasets quickly
WiSER.jl8Within-subject variance estimation by robust regression (WiSER)
NextGP.jl8Next Generation Genomic Prediction Tools
GeoStatsSolvers.jl7Built-in solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
UnfoldSim.jl7Simulate EEG / ERP data with overlap, non-linear effects, multiple regression
EventStudyInteracts.jl7This package is a Julia replication of the Stata package eventstudyinteract provided by Sun and Abraham (2021).
BetaRegression.jl7Regression models for beta distributed responses in Julia
Sensemakr.jl7Julia implementation of the original R sensemakr package:
Coefplots.jl7This repository aims to make available in Julia the functionalities of the Stata command coefplot. Coefplots is built on PGFPlotsX.
MixedModelsExtras.jl6Extra non essential functionality for MixedModels.jl
PhyloDiamond.jl6Method to estimate phylogenetic networks from algebraic invariants
EstimatingEquationsRegression.jl6Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) in Julia
ReplicateBE.jl6Mixed model solution for replicate designed bioequivalence study.
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
MetidaNCA.jl6Non-compartmental pharmacokinetics analysis for Julia.
Knockoffs.jl6Variable Selection with Knockoffs
BestModelSubset.jl6A julia package to implement model selection algorithms on basic regression models.
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
ValueAtRisk.jl5Value-at-Risk for Julia
MultivariateFunctions.jl5A framework for multivariate functions together with constructors for schumaker splines, OLS, Chebyshev, MARS splines for approximation.
Pesto.jl4Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination
AgnosticBayesEnsemble.jl4This Package comprises a collection of ensemble algorithms for prediction, in order to improve the predictive performance for classification and regression problems.
AnovaGLM.jl4Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with GLM.jl
BayesQR.jl4Bayesian quantile regression in Julia
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
LifeTable.jl4Analysis of life tables implemented in Julia.
MixedModelsPermutations.jl4Permutation tests for MixedModels.jl
MonotoneSplines.jl4Monotone Cubic B-Splines (arXiv:2307.01748)
PhyloGaussianBeliefProp.jl4Analysis of Gaussian models on phylogenetic networks using belief propagation (aka message passing)
PhylogeneticFactorAnalysis.jl4Julia package for automating phylogenetic factor analysis model selection
QuantReg.jl4An implementation of quantile regression for Julia modeled after the R quantreg package.
QuasiGLM.jl4Adjust Poisson and Binomial Generalised Linear Models to their quasi equivalents for dispersed data
RPkg.jl4Julia Style Package Manager for RCall users
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