Dependency Packages
QuasiCopula.jl1A Flexible Quasi-Copula Distribution for Statistical Modeling
GMMParameterEstimation.jl1Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
SimSpread.jl1SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.
SunCalc.jl1Calculate sun position, sunlight phases, moon position, and lunar phase.
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
GeoStatsPlots.jl1Plots.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
BallroomSkatingSystem.jl1Majority system for judging ballroom dance competitions
CountriesBorders.jl1Small package to extract coordinates of countries border
SuperfluidRotSpec.jl1Bosons/Fermions Superfluid problem with morden tools.
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
PhysicalMeshes.jl1Physical mesh interfaces for Julia
ReactionNetworkEvolution.jl1This package simplifies evolutionary algorithms for applications in systems biology. It can be used to generate oscillating reaction networks, networks that match input timeseries data, or fit parameters (rateconstants).
EHTUVData.jl1A Julia package to handle multi-dimensional radio interferometric data
AutomationLabsExportation.jl1Advanced exports management for AutomationLabs.jl
Constellation.jl1Client Julia pour Constellation.
SimulinkSDIImporter.jl1Import data from Simulink SDI Sessions to Julia.
Spehulak.jl1GenAI observability application in Julia
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
ReefModEngine.jl1A Julia interface to the ReefMod Engine API
IntegerTriangles.jl1Integer triangles basics
SXTMerger.jl1A tool to merge AstroSat/SXT event lists from different orbits
SevenDayStreamflowForecasts.jl1A web client for the 7-Day Streamflow Forecasting Service the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Relationals.jl1Simple, fast access to relational data sources. Inspired by Rails ActiveRecord.
ClusterRunner.jl1Julia experiment management system. Heavily inspired by monajemi/clusterjob.
Relief.jl1Implementations of various Relief-based algorithms in Julia
SynapseElife.jl1Model associated to Elife paper Rodrigues et al. 2023
PALEOsediment.jl1PALEOtoolkit sediment components and standalone examples
HighlyAdaptiveLasso.jl1A MLJ wrapper to the R [HAL]( package.
Clusterpath.jl1Julia implementation of *l*_1-norm clusterpath (Hocking et al., 2011, Radchenko & Mukerjee, 2017)
GaussianSimulation.jl1Gaussian simulation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
PALEOaqchem.jl1Aquatic biogeochemistry for PALEO framework
NetcdfIO.jl1Wrapper functions for NCDatasets.jl
GasChromatographySystems.jl1A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC) in complex systems
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