Dependency Packages
RIrtWrappers.jl0This package wraps some R libraries for fitting IRT models
Reddit.jl0Reddit API wrapper for Julia.
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
ProgenyTestingTools.jl0A toolkit for progeny testing simulation
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
Sainsc.jl0Segmentation-free analysis of in situ capture data
AxisArrayTables.jl0Tables backed by AxisArrays
PlotPlants.jl0Yujie's customized plotting utilities
Pedigree.jl0Pedigree functions implemented in Julia
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
Skyler.jl0Julia package for recovering stratified spaces underlying point clouds.
ModularFormsModuloTwo.jl0A packge for standard operations on Modular Forms modulo two (mathematical objects).
ModiaPlot_WGLMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with WGLMakie
ModiaPlot_CairoMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with CairoMakie
SoilHydraulics.jl0Soil hydraulics module for Soil-Plant-Air Continuum modeling
MetidaStats.jl0Metida descriptive statistics.
MDEStudy.jl0A package which calculate abnormal returns in market data sets.
AllenNeuropixels.jl0Load, format, analyze, and plot the Allen Neuropixels datasets
StanBase.jl0Common components for a family of wrapper packages using Stan's cmdstan executable from Julia.
StanDiagnose.jl0WIP: Wrapper package for the diagnose method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
StanQuap.jl0Quadratic approximation of posterior distribution using StanOptimize
MathleticsFiles.jl0Functions to access data from the Mathletics files
XLSXasJSON.jl0Easy conversion of .xlsx into an array of objects in .json
LifeInsuranceContracts.jl0Businees functions for life insurance contract and product management
JHistint.jl0Julia interface for implementing REST APIs available on the CDSA (Cancer Slide Digital Archive) portal for managing histological images available from TCGA. The library includes functions for managing image processing algorithms for cell segmentation, constructing the adjacency matrix, tessellation process and interfacing with J-Space.jl.
TaijaParallel.jl0Adds support for parallelization for Taija packages.
GroupedTemporalTerms.jl0Use leads and lags for panel data in `@formula`s.
GlobalSearchRegressionGUI.jl0Global Search Regression GUI
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