Dependency Packages
DJUICE.jl15Differentiable JUlia ICE model
DelaySSAToolkit.jl15DelaySSAToolkit.jl: a tool in Julia for stochastic simulation with delays
ControlSystemsMTK.jl15Interface between ControlSystems and ModelingToolkit
Fortuna.jl15A general-purpose Julia package for structural and system reliability analysis.
NExOS.jl15Nonconvex Exterior Point Operator Splitting
AbstractPDEInterfaces.jl14Ecosystem for writing partial differential equation solvers
OptimizationBase.jl14The base package for Optimization.jl, containing the structs and basic functions for it.
DynamicMovementPrimitives.jl14Learning Dynamic Movement Primitives in Julia
DispersiveShallowWater.jl14Structure-preserving numerical methods for dispersive shallow water models
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
ExactODEReduction.jl13Exact reduction of ODE models via linear transformations
PostNewtonian.jl13Orbital dynamics and waveforms for binary black-hole systems, in the post-Newtonian approximation
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
VIDA.jl13EHT Image domain analysis through template matching.
PositiveIntegrators.jl13A Julia library of positivity-preserving time integration methods
SymbolicAnalysis.jl13Symbolics-based function property propagation for optimization
OpenQuantumSystems.jl13Library for the numerical simulation of open quantum systems.
SeeToDee.jl13A small step for dynamics, a giant leap for SciML
ModeCouplingTheory.jl13A generic and fast solver of mode-coupling theory-like integrodifferential equations
ChargeTransport.jl13Drift diffusion simulator for semiconductor devices
PyramidScheme.jl12Building and using pyramids for large raster data
ControlBarrierFunctions.jl12Control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
EMpht.jl12[Julia Package] Fitting Phase-Type Distributions using an EM Algorithm
PDEBase.jl12Common types and interface for discretizers of ModelingToolkit PDESystems.
DASKR.jl12Interface to DASKR, a differential algebraic system solver for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
JointSurvivalModels.jl12Julia implementation of joint models combining longitudinal and survival endpoints
ADRIA.jl12ADRIA: Adaptive Dynamic Reef Intervention Algorithms. A multi-criteria decision support platform for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
ActionModels.jl11A Julia package for behavioural modeling
DiffEqMonteCarlo.jl11Monte Carlo simulation routines for high-performance parallelization of differential equation solvers and scientific machine learning
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
GasChromatographySimulator.jl11A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC)
GeneralizedSasakiNakamura.jl11Computing solutions to the frequency-domain radial Teukolsky equation with the Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura (GSN) formalism in julia
JutulDarcyRules.jl11JutulDarcyRules: ChainRules extension to Jutul and JutulDarcy
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