Dependency Packages
Primes.jl99Prime numbers in Julia
IntervalSets.jl99Interval Sets for Julia
ArnoldiMethod.jl96The Arnoldi Method with Krylov-Schur restart, natively in Julia.
ScientificTypes.jl96An API for dispatching on the "scientific" type of data instead of the machine type
ExponentialUtilities.jl93Fast and differentiable implementations of matrix exponentials, Krylov exponential matrix-vector multiplications ("expmv"), KIOPS, ExpoKit functions, and more. All your exponential needs in SciML form.
OrderedCollections.jl92Julia implementation of associative containers that preserve insertion order
GDAL.jl90Thin Julia wrapper for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
GeoInterface.jl90A Julia Protocol for Geospatial Data
MappedArrays.jl89Lazy in-place transformations of arrays
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
EnumX.jl87This is what I wish `Base.@enum` was.
Expronicon.jl85Collective tools for metaprogramming on Julia Expr
TranscodingStreams.jl85Simple, consistent interfaces for any codec.
Tricks.jl85Cunning tricks though the julia compiler internals
UnPack.jl84`@pack!` and `@unpack` macros
InvertedIndices.jl81A simple index type that allows for inverted selections
MLJLinearModels.jl81Generalized Linear Regressions Models (penalized regressions, robust regressions, ...)
Interfaces.jl80Macros to define and implement interfaces, to ensure they are checked and correct.
MLJModels.jl80Home of the MLJ model registry and tools for model queries and mode code loading
Tar.jl79TAR files: create, list, extract them in pure Julia
StructTypes.jl79Abstract definitions and convenience methods for describing, processing, and constructing Julia objects
FixedPointNumbers.jl79Fixed point types for julia
FilePathsBase.jl79Filesystem path types in julia
ExprTools.jl78Light-weight expression manipulation tools
ColorTypes.jl78Basic color definitions and traits
Sobol.jl77Generation of Sobol low-discrepancy sequence (LDS) for the Julia language
DiffRules.jl76A simple shared suite of common derivative definitions
LogExpFunctions.jl74Julia package for various special functions based on `log` and `exp`.
PrettyPrinting.jl73Julia library for optimal formatting of composite data structures
Missings.jl70Missing value support for Julia
Arpack.jl69Julia Wrappers for the arpack-ng Fortran library
HypergeometricFunctions.jl68A Julia package for calculating hypergeometric functions
MLJTuning.jl67Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework
GeoDataFrames.jl67Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL
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