Dependency Packages
KernelDensityEstimate.jl24Kernel Density Estimate with product approximation using multiscale Gibbs sampling
Ratios.jl23Faster Rational-like types for Julia
MosaicViews.jl23Julia package for lazily viewing a 3D or 4D array as an expanded 2D array in the form of a mosaic of matrix slices
SentinelArrays.jl23Array types that can use sentinel values of the element type for special values
WeakRefStrings.jl23A minimal String type for Julia that allows for efficient string representation and transfer
WoodburyMatrices.jl23Support for the Woodbury matrix identity for Julia
StructIO.jl22Binary I/O methods generated from Julia structure definitions
DistributedFactorGraphs.jl22Abstraction layer for spanning factor graphs over various technologies
LLVMLoopInfo.jl21Pass loop info to LLVM
StackViews.jl20No more 🐱🐱
IfElse.jl19Under some conditions you may need this function
TransformUtils.jl19Lie groups and algebra with some quaternions
IndirectArrays.jl19Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
DelimitedFiles.jl18A package for reading and writing files with delimited values (Originally a Julia stdlib)
Random123.jl18Julia implementation of Random123.
StatsAPI.jl17A statistics-focused namespace for packages to share functions
PtrArrays.jl17Back to the stone age!
IrrationalConstants.jl16Defines additional irrationals
BitFlags.jl16BitFlag.jl provides an Enum-like type for bit flag option values.
Rmath.jl16Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions
StaticArraysCore.jl16Interface package for StaticArrays.jl
ObjectFile.jl15Object File (ELF, MachO, COFF/PE, etc...) parser for Julia
LazyGrids.jl15A Julia package for representing multi-dimensional grids
JLFzf.jl15Julia bind to fzf fuzzy finder
ConcurrentUtilities.jl15Utilities for doing multithreaded or distributed work in Julia
WorkerUtilities.jl15Utilities for doing multithreaded or distributed work in Julia
SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl14A general interface for symbolic indexing of SciML objects used in conjunction with Domain-Specific Languages
ArgTools.jl14Tools for writing functions that handle many kinds of IO arguments
FunctionalStateMachine.jl14Build a state machine in Julia based on functions along with stepping and visualization tools
StaticArrayInterface.jl14Interface designs for enforcing static computations in array functions with Julia
VertexSafeGraphs.jl14Wrapper on top of LightGraphs for preserving vertex numbering
StringManipulation.jl13Julia package with a set of functions to manipulate strings with ANSI escape sequences.
Measures.jl13Unified measure and coordinates types
TableTraits.jl13Traits for julia tables
Graphics.jl12A holding place for Base graphics
DensityInterface.jl12Interface for mathematical/statistical densities in Julia
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
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