9 Packages since 2020
User Packages
Bitly.jl0A Julia package for interacting with the Bitly API
DailyTreasuryYieldCurve.jl4Julia package for getting US Treasury yield curves
FamaFrenchData.jl9Julia package providing access to the Fama-French data available on the Ken French Data Library
FinancialPortfolios.jl4Julia package for working with simple portfolios of financial assets
NonparametricRegression.jl7Simple local constant and local linear regressions in Julia
PlusMinus.jl3This probably shouldn't even exist
QuadGG.jl0Julia port of Gander & Gautschi (2000) quadrature routines
SantasLittleHelpers.jl2A package full of toys for me to use in my other programs.
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