Machine Learning Packages
FeatureSelection.jl1Repository housing feature selection algorithms for use with the machine learning toolbox MLJ.
SciMLWorkshop.jl36Workshop materials for training in scientific computing and scientific machine learning
ConformalPrediction.jl135Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
OpenAI.jl91OpenAI API wrapper for Julia
Lux.jl479Elegant & Performant Scientific Machine Learning in Julia
PyCallChainRules.jl56Differentiate python calls from Julia
MLUtils.jl107Utilities and abstractions for Machine Learning tasks
CounterfactualExplanations.jl117A package for Counterfactual Explanations and Algorithmic Recourse in Julia.
Dojo.jl307A differentiable physics engine for robotics
SimpleChains.jl234Simple chains
GraphNeuralNetworks.jl218Graph Neural Networks in Julia
Wandb.jl82Unofficial Julia bindings for logging experiments to
ExplainableAI.jl106Explainable AI in Julia.
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
Avalon.jl106Starter kit for legendary models
Turkie.jl68Turing + Makie = Turkie
ZigZagBoomerang.jl100Sleek implementations of the ZigZag, Boomerang and other assorted piecewise deterministic Markov processes for Markov Chain Monte Carlo including Sticky PDMPs for variable selection
FastAI.jl589Repository of best practices for deep learning in Julia, inspired by fastai
Mitosis.jl34Automatic probabilistic programming for scientific machine learning and dynamical models
AbstractGPs.jl217Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
BetaML.jl92Beta Machine Learning Toolkit
DataAugmentation.jl41Flexible data augmentation library for machine and deep learning
FluxTraining.jl119A flexible neural net training library inspired by
DataLoaders.jl76A parallel iterator for large machine learning datasets that don't fit into memory inspired by PyTorch's `DataLoader` class.
AutoMLPipeline.jl355A package that makes it trivial to create and evaluate machine learning pipeline architectures.
Torch.jl211Sensible extensions for exposing torch in Julia.
UNet.jl48Generic UNet implementation written in pure Julia, based on Flux.jl
ShapML.jl82A Julia package for interpretable machine learning with stochastic Shapley values
LightGBM.jl93Julia FFI interface to Microsoft's LightGBM package
ReservoirComputing.jl206Reservoir computing utilities for scientific machine learning (SciML)
MLJModelInterface.jl37Lightweight package to interface with MLJ
MLJTuning.jl67Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework
ReactiveMP.jl99High-performance reactive message-passing based Bayesian inference engine
ObjectDetector.jl90Pure Julia implementations of single-pass object detection neural networks.
AdvancedPS.jl56Implementation of advanced Sequential Monte Carlo and particle MCMC algorithms
Enzyme.jl438Julia bindings for the Enzyme automatic differentiator
XLATools.jl47"Maybe we have our own magic."
MLJLinearModels.jl81Generalized Linear Regressions Models (penalized regressions, robust regressions, ...)
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