Machines Packages
RigidBodyDynamics.jl287Julia implementation of various rigid body dynamics and kinematics algorithms
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
RobotOS.jl181Julia interface to ROS (Robot Operating System)
AV.jl126Reading and writing of video files in Julia via ffmpeg
PortAudio.jl114PortAudio wrapper for the Julia programming language, compatible with the JuliaAudio family of packages
PiGPIO.jl77Manage external hardware using GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi
SampledSignals.jl75Core types for regularly-sampled multichannel signals like Audio, RADAR and Software-Defined Radio
SampleTypes.jl75Core types for regularly-sampled multichannel signals like Audio, RADAR and Software-Defined Radio
LibSerialPort.jl64Julia wrapper for the libserialport c library
AudioIO.jl61[UNMAINTAINED] - Simple Audio IO in Julia
BaremetalPi.jl49Julia library to access Raspberry Pi peripherals without requiring external libraries.
NIDAQ.jl47National Instruments Data Acquisition Interface
Instruments.jl39Instrument control in Julia
LibSndFile.jl38Julia Interface to libsndfile
Sound.jl25Provide `sound` & `record` functions for playing & recording audio in Julia. Also Julia version of phase vocoder.
Radio.jl21A native Julia digital communications package
OSC.jl21Open Sound Control For Julia
Devices.jl21Julia package for CAD of superconducting devices operating at microwave frequencies.
Vectorize.jl19Cross-platform vectorization of Julia code using Accelerate, VML, and Yeppp!
MotionCaptureJointCalibration.jl18Kinematic calibration for robots using motion capture data
MP3.jl11UNMAINTAINED - MP3 codec for Julia using JuliaAudio idioms. LAME and mpg123 working under the hood
Opus.jl11Julia library to interface with Opus audio files
FLAC.jl9Julia bindings for libFLAC
VISA.jl9VISA wrapper for Julia, bare-bones
RingBuffers.jl8A thread-safe non-allocating circular RingBuffer type
Q.jl7Q.jl - Julia for kdb+
LTspice.jl7Julia interface to LTspice
RdRand.jl5Generate random numbers using Intel's RDRAND instruction
Arduino.jl4Basic Arduino interface for Julia
Rasim.jl3A time-slot based radio network simulator written in Julia
Robotics.jl3Toolbox for (serial manipulator) robotics, focusing robot dynamics
DIDebug.jl2My collection of hacks for introspecting debug info
Gcode.jl2A high level Gcode API for Julia.
Tablo.jl1Julia interface to the Tablo OTA DVR
MakiBot.jl1A Telegram plot bot for MakiE.jl
Nextion.jl1An unofficial Julia library to communicate with Itead Nextion display
Alazar.jl1Alazar API wrapper for Julia, bare-bones
ZenFab.jl0Software for using digital manufacturing devices
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