
Shuffle the string sequences such that the k-mer frequency is preserved in each string
Author kchu25
9 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
May 2022


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Shuffle a string such that it preserves the k-mer frequency in the string (k $\geq$ 1).


To install SeqShuffle.jl use Julia's package manager:

pkg> add SeqShuffle


using SeqShuffle

# an example string

# shuffle the string such that it preserves the frequency of 2-mers
seq_shuffle(str; k=2)

# shuffle the string such that it preserves the frequency of 3-mers
seq_shuffle(str; k=3)

# k=1 is just the ordinary shuffle
seq_shuffle(str; k=1)

# The shuffling is not restricted to DNA alphabets; other alphabets
# works as well
seq_shuffle("ababacraggrac"; k=2)
> "ababaggracrac"

# of course, you can use the dot syntax in Julia to shuffle every string in the vector
seq_shuffle.(vec_str; k=2)
> 3-element Vector{String}:

# shuffle every string in the fasta file such that it perserves the 
# frequency of 2-mers in each string; save the result as a new fasta 
# file output. Input and output are absolute filepaths as strings.     
# (optional) Use a fixed seed for reproducibility.
                k=2, seed::Union{Nothing, Int}=1234)