
A Julia package for strided array views and efficient manipulations thereof
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5 Months Ago
Started In
October 2017


Strided array views with efficient (cache-friendly and multithreaded) manipulations

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A Julia package for working more efficiently with strided arrays, i.e. dense arrays whose memory layout has a fixed stride along every dimension. Strided.jl does not make any assumptions about the strides (such as stride 1 along first dimension, or monotonically increasing strides) and provides multithreaded and cache friendly implementations for mapping, reducing, broadcasting such arrays, as well as taking views, reshaping and permuting dimensions. Most of these are simply accessible by annotating a block of standard Julia code involving broadcasting and other array operations with the macro @strided. Currently, Strided.jl only supports arrays in the main memory and does not provide implementations for arrays on GPUs or other hardware accelerators.

What's new

Strided.jl v2 reduces the complexity of the implementation. It discards of the UnsafeStridedView type, which was pointer based and required to avoid allocations prior to Julia v1.5 (because of #14955). The associated @unsafe_strided macro has been deprecated.

The main structured type StridedView for representing a strided view over a contiguous array (DenseArray) is now defined in a separate package StridedViews.jl. This definition is device agnostic and can thus also be used in combination with dense GPU arrays. However, at the moment, the methods implemented in Strided.jl are restricted to strided views over Array data.


Running Julia with a single thread

julia> using Strided

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> A = randn(4000,4000);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime $B .= ($A .+ $A') ./ 2;
  145.214 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= ($A .+ $A') ./ 2;
  56.189 ms (6 allocations: 352 bytes)

julia> A = randn(1000,1000);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime $B .= 3 .* $A';
  2.449 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= 3 .* $A';
  1.459 ms (5 allocations: 288 bytes)

julia> @btime $B .= $A .* exp.( -2 .* $A) .+ sin.( $A .* $A);
  22.493 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= $A .* exp.( -2 .* $A) .+ sin.( $A .* $A);
  22.240 ms (10 allocations: 480 bytes)

julia> A = randn(32,32,32,32);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime permutedims!($B, $A, (4,3,2,1));
  5.203 ms (2 allocations: 128 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided permutedims!($B, $A, (4,3,2,1));
  2.201 ms (4 allocations: 320 bytes)

julia> @btime $B .= permutedims($A, (1,2,3,4)) .+ permutedims($A, (2,3,4,1)) .+ permutedims($A, (3,4,1,2)) .+ permutedims($A, (4,1,2,3));
  21.863 ms (32 allocations: 32.00 MiB)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= permutedims($A, (1,2,3,4)) .+ permutedims($A, (2,3,4,1)) .+ permutedims($A, (3,4,1,2)) .+ permutedims($A, (4,1,2,3));
  8.495 ms (9 allocations: 640 bytes)

And now with export JULIA_NUM_THREADS = 4

julia> using Strided

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> A = randn(4000,4000);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime $B .= ($A .+ $A') ./ 2;
  146.618 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= ($A .+ $A') ./ 2;
  30.355 ms (12 allocations: 912 bytes)

julia> A = randn(1000,1000);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime $B .= 3 .* $A';
  2.030 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= 3 .* $A';
  808.874 μs (11 allocations: 784 bytes)

julia> @btime $B .= $A .* exp.( -2 .* $A) .+ sin.( $A .* $A);
  21.971 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= $A .* exp.( -2 .* $A) .+ sin.( $A .* $A);
  5.811 ms (16 allocations: 1.05 KiB)

julia> A = randn(32,32,32,32);

julia> B = similar(A);

julia> @btime permutedims!($B, $A, (4,3,2,1));
  5.334 ms (2 allocations: 128 bytes)

julia> @btime @strided permutedims!($B, $A, (4,3,2,1));
  1.192 ms (10 allocations: 928 bytes)

julia> @btime $B .= permutedims($A, (1,2,3,4)) .+ permutedims($A, (2,3,4,1)) .+ permutedims($A, (3,4,1,2)) .+ permutedims($A, (4,1,2,3));
  22.465 ms (32 allocations: 32.00 MiB)

julia> @btime @strided $B .= permutedims($A, (1,2,3,4)) .+ permutedims($A, (2,3,4,1)) .+ permutedims($A, (3,4,1,2)) .+ permutedims($A, (4,1,2,3));
  2.796 ms (15 allocations: 1.44 KiB)

Design principles


Strided.jl is centered around the type StridedView, which provides a view into a parent array of type DenseArray such that the resulting view is strided. The definition of this type, together with the set of methods that create StridedView instances, and transform them into eachother, are now implemented in StridedViews.jl. This package is device agnostic and never actually operators on the data in a nontrivial manner.

Broadcasting and map(reduce)

Whenever an expression only contains StridedViews and non-array objects (scalars), overloaded methods for broadcasting and functions as map(!) and mapreduce are used that exploit the known strided structure in order to evaluate the result in a more efficient way, at least for sufficiently large arrays where the overhead of the extra preparatory work is negligible. In particular, this involves choosing a blocking strategy and loop order that aims to avoid cache misses. This matters in particular if some of the StridedViews involved have strides which are not monotonously increasing, e.g. if transpose, adjoint or permutedims has been applied. The fact that the latter also acts lazily (whereas it creates a copy of the data in Julia base) can potentially provide a further speedup.

The @strided macro annotation

Rather than manually wrapping every array in a StridedView, there is the macro annotation @strided some_expression, which will wrap all DenseArrays appearing in some_expression in a StridedView. Note that, because StridedViews behave lazily under indexing with ranges, this acts similar to the @views macro in Julia Base, i.e. there is no need to use a view.

The macro @strided acts as a contract, i.e. the user ensures that all array manipulations in the following expressions will preserve the strided structure. Therefore, reshape and view are are replaced by sreshape and sview respectively. As mentioned above, sreshape will throw an error if the requested new shape is incompatible with preserving the strided structure. The function sview is only defined for index arguments which are ranges, Ints or Colon (:), and will thus also throw an error if indexed by anything else.

Multithreading support

The optimized methods in Strided.jl are implemented with support for multithreading. Thus, if Threads.nthreads() > 1 and the arrays involved are sufficiently large, performance can be boosted even for plain arrays with a strictly sequential memory layout, provided that the broadcast operation is compute bound and not memory bound (i.e. the broadcast function is sufficienlty complex).

Strided.jl uses the @spawn threading infrastructure, and the number of tasks that will be spawned is customizable via the function Strided.set_num_threads(n), where n can be any integer between 1 (no threading) and Base.Threads.nthreads(). This allows to spend only a part of the Julia threads on multithreading, i.e. Strided will never spawn more than n-1 additional tasks. By default, n = Base.Threads.nthreads(), i.e. threading is enabled by default. There are also convenience functions Strided.enable_threads() = Strided.set_num_threads(Threads.nthreads()) and Strided.disable_threads() = Strided.set_num_threads(1).

Furthermore, there is an experimental feature (disabled by default) to apply multithreading for matrix multiplication using a divide-and-conquer strategy. It can be enabled via Strided.enable_threaded_mul() (and similarly Strided.disable_threaded_mul() to revert to the default setting). For matrices with a LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat element type (i.e. any of Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64), this is typically not necessary as BLAS is multithreaded by default. However, it can be beneficial to implement the multithreading using Julia Tasks, which then run on Julia's threads as distributed by Julia's scheduler. Hence, this feature should likely be used in combination with LinearAlgebra.BLAS.set_num_threads(1). Performance seems to be on par (within a few percent margin) with the threading strategies of OpenBLAS and MKL. However, note that the latter call also disables any multithreading used in LAPACK (e.g. eigen, svd, qr, ...) and Strided.jl does not help with that.

StridedView versus StridedArray and BLAS/LAPACK compatibility

StridedArray is a union type to denote arrays with a strided structure in Julia Base. Because of its definition as a type union rather than an abstract type, it is impossible to have user types be recognized as StridedArray. This is rather unfortunate, since dispatching to BLAS and LAPACK routines is based on StridedArray. As a consequence, StridedView will not fall back to BLAS or LAPACK by default. Currently, only matrix multiplication is overloaded so as to fall back to BLAS (i.e. gemm!) if possible. In general, one should not attempt use e.g. matrix factorizations or other lapack operations within the @strided context. Support for this is on the TODO list. Some BLAS inspired methods (axpy!, axpby!, scalar multiplication via mul!, rmul! or lmul!) are however overloaded by relying on the optimized yet generic map! implementation.

StridedViews can currently only be created with certainty from DenseArray (typically just Array in Julia Base). For Base.SubArray or Base.ReshapedArray instances, the StridedView constructor will first act on the underlying parent array, and then try to mimic the corresponding view or reshape operation using sview and sreshape. These, however, are more limited then their Base counterparts (because they need to guarantee that the result still has a strided memory layout with respect to the new dimensions), so an error can result. However, this approach can also succeed in creating StridedView wrappers around combinations of view and reshape that are not recognised as Base.StridedArray. For example, reshape(view(randn(40,40), 1:36, 1:20), (6,6,5,4)) is not a Base.StridedArrray, and indeed, it cannot statically be inferred to be strided, from only knowing the argument types provided to view and reshape. For example, the similarly looking reshape(view(randn(40,40), 1:36, 1:20), (6,3,10,4)) is not strided. The StridedView constructor will try to act on both, and yield a runtime error in the second case. Note that Base.ReinterpretArray is currently not supported.

Note again that, unlike StridedArrays, StridedViews behave lazily (i.e. still produce a view on the same parent array) under permutedims and regular indexing with ranges.

Planned features / wish list

  • Support for GPUArrays with dedicated GPU kernels?