Dependency Packages
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
QuantumOptics.jl528Library for the numerical simulation of closed as well as open quantum systems.
ITensors.jl521A Julia library for efficient tensor computations and tensor network calculations
TensorOperations.jl450Julia package for tensor contractions and related operations
DynamicHMC.jl243Implementation of robust dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods (NUTS) in Julia.
TensorKit.jl218A Julia package for large-scale tensor computations, with a hint of category theory
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
Omega.jl162Causal, Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programming
PastaQ.jl142Package for Simulation, Tomography and Analysis of Quantum Computers
TensorCast.jl137It slices, it dices, it splices!
Fermi.jl135Fermi quantum chemistry program
MPSKit.jl127A Julia package dedicated to simulating quantum many-body systems using Matrix Product States (MPS)
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
MultilayerGraphs.jl118A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
QuantumInformation.jl92A Julia package for numerical computation in quantum information theory
Dynare.jl86A Julia rewrite of Dynare: solving, simulating and estimating DSGE models.
PencilFFTs.jl77Fast Fourier transforms of MPI-distributed Julia arrays
IncrementalInference.jl72Clique recycling non-Gaussian (multi-modal) factor graph solver; also see Caesar.jl.
IonSim.jl71A simple tool for simulating trapped ion systems
QuantumCumulants.jl70Generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems
RoME.jl64Robot Motion Estimate: Tools, Variables, and Factors for SLAM in robotics; also see Caesar.jl.
QuantumOpticsBase.jl64Base functionality library for QuantumOptics.jl
PencilArrays.jl60Distributed Julia arrays using the MPI protocol
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
ITensorNetworks.jl55A package with general tools for working with higher-dimensional tensor networks based on ITensor.
QuantumLab.jl52A workbench for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Physics in Julia
ITensorTDVP.jl52Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) of MPS based on ITensors.jl.
QXTools.jl39Julia package for quantum circuit simulation using tensor networks
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
PEPSKit.jl37Julia package for PEPS algorithms
DynamicHMCExamples.jl37Examples for Bayesian inference using DynamicHMC.jl and related packages.
SparseGaussianProcesses.jl33A Julia implementation of sparse Gaussian processes via path-wise doubly stochastic variational inference.
Quiqbox.jl31Exploring the computational power of fermionic quantum systems. Ab initio computation and basis set optimization for electronic structure problems.
MESTI.jl313D multi-source electromagnetic simulations in frequency domain, implementing the augmented partial factorization (APF) and other methods.
FiniteMPS.jl31Provide some MPS-based algorithms such as DMRG and TDVP.
SparseArrayKit.jl30Sparse multidimensional arrays using a DOK format, with support for TensorOperations.jl
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
QuantumDynamics.jl30Quantum dynamics simulation environment
BliContractor.jl28TensorOperations.jl compatible fast contractor for Julia, based on TBLIS, with generic strides and automatic differentiation support, within 400 lines.
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
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